Jewish group to honor Phl for accepting refugees in WW2

MANILA, Philippines - A Jewish organization based in the United States (US) will present an award to the Philippines in a ceremony that will recognize the country's gesture of opening its doors for 1,305 Jewish refugees during World War 2.

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the world's leading Jewish humanitarian organization, will award the Philippines with the Or L’Olam or Light Unto the World Award on Thursday, on the occasion of its centennial anniversary.

Philippine Ambassador to the US Jose Cuisia will receive the award on behalf of the Philippines.

During World War 2, at a time when Jews were being persecuted, the administration of President Manuel Quezon accepted Jewish refugees amid the refusal of most countries to take them in. The Philippines was also the only Asian country to vote for the United Nations Partition Plan creating the state of Israel on Nov. 29, 1947. 

"On this occasion of our 100th anniversary, it is our honor to bestow upon the Philippines our Or L’Olam Award for the country’s extraordinary life-saving actions. The Philippines’ heroic decision to admit Jews at a time when the doors of many nations were closed has never been forgotten by us," said JDC Chief Executive Officer Alan Gill.

“Our gratitude for this brave act and the kindness extended to Jews in their darkest hour underpins our relief and rebuilding efforts in the Philippines today. We work every day to return that same measure of hope and life-affirming care to the Filipino people at their time of need," he added, referring to the help extended by the Jewish community to the Philippines during the onslaught of typhoon Yolanda.

Cuisia thanked the organization for the award and the help received by the Philippines in the relief efforts.

“On behalf of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, I would like to thank the JDC for recognizing a gesture that was extended more than seven decades ago,” Cuisia said. “On behalf of the Filipino people, I would like to thank the Jewish Community for always being there for us.”

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