P347 M earmarked for restoration of mangrove forests in Visayas

MANILA, Philippines - The government will earmark at least P347 million for the restoration of mangrove and natural beach forests in coastal areas hit by Super Typhoon Yolanda.

Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Ramon Paje said this massive coastal rehabilitation program would cover Eastern Visayas, particularly the province of Leyte and its capital Tacloban City.

“Tacloban is a major concern, but the undertaking will cover the entire eastern seaboard of Eastern Visayas,” Paje said, adding that the project’s main objective is to protect the region’s coastlines from extreme weather events.

“The law says we cannot allow people to build houses in areas meant for mangroves and beach forests,” he said, referring to the Philippine Water Code.

The DENR chief said the situation in the Eastern Visayas requires political will from local government officials.

He said the affected coastlines were once mangroves and beach forests that were turned into residential areas by informal settlers or for development activities.

“Had the mangroves in Leyte and Eastern Samar not been decimated, the storm surge would have been dissipated by 70 to 80 percent of its strength,” Paje said, citing a study by the Department of Science and Technology which states that the “strength of an eight-meter storm surge is concentrated within the lower six meters, with the upper two meters as only having tidal currents.”

“The surge can only destroy the leaves, but cannot uproot the mangroves as these are deep-rooted and strong. They will re-grow in time,” said Paje.

He said mangroves should not be destroyed, as these are natural barriers against tsunamis, storm surge and other wave action.

Under the plan, some 19 million seedlings and propagules from mangrove trees and beach forest species like talisay will be planted in over 1,900 hectares of coastline under the National Greening Program.

“About 80 percent of the allocation will be used for the government’s cash-for-work program for typhoon survivors who will take part in seedling production, planting site preparation, actual planting and maintenance of mangrove and beach forest areas.”

Coastal green belts would be done in clusters to allow fisher folk access to the shores, as well as to other sustainable activities like ecotourism and coastal management.

Other areas covered by the coastal rehabilitation plan are the towns of Dulag in Leyte; Guiuan, Llorente and Balangiga in Eastern Samar, and Basey in Samar.    

He said the budget proposal is awaiting approval by the National Economic and Development Authority.

Earlier, President Aquino ordered Paje to create a comprehensive environment protection program that would minimize the impact of storm surge, flooding and calamities following Yolanda’s devastation.

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