Welcome Mass held for new papal nuncio

MANILA, Philippines - A welcome Mass was said for new Papal Nuncio to the Philippines Giuseppe Pinto Friday night during which he asked the faithful to pray for him to be able to perform his duties well.

Thirty bishops and three cardinals -Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, emeritus Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, and Cardinal Jose Sanchez – attended the two-hour Mass meant to mark the beginning of Pinto’s mission in the country.                                                                 

“It is indeed a great privilege for me to come to this country; aware of how much the Christian faith has shaped its history, its culture, and its values,” he said.

“Now, I am here among you in order to take the first steps of my mission. I will need your help. I have already received this from your, or better still, our bishops. I will work in communion with them, supporting them in their Episcopal ministry,” he added.

He assured the lay community of support from the Nunciature.

“The Nunciature is always at your service, ready to help you as you continue to strive to transform our society into an authentic Christian community, by living according to truth in charity.”

Pinto asked the faithful to include him in their prayers. 

“Dear friends, I also hope to be remembered in your prayers. You are a ‘people in love with Mary’... Please ask the Blessed Mother to assist me as I strive to devotedly fulfill the task that the Holy Father has given me. Be confident that I will be praying for you too.”

Pinto arrived in the country last July 15 as Vatican’s representative to the Catholic Church in the Philippines. He said that part of his preparation for the mission was a visit he paid to the altar of San Lorenzo Ruiz, the first Filipino saint.

He also visited the tomb of the Blessed John Paul II who is known to be fond of Filipinos.                                                     

“I asked their intercessions that I might be a good Nuncio to you,” Pinto said.

In his homily, Rosales welcomed Pinto to the country.

“We understand that your Excellency comes from the city of Noci in the southernmost part of sunny Italy. Your Excellency, you will find out that the sun is also warm here, but our welcome today and everyday is warmer than the sun in your country,” he said. 

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