Truth body to start probe on scandals

MANILA, Philippines – The Truth Commission announced today that it will begin probing the alleged irregularities committed by the past administration even as the Supreme Court has yet to approve its constitutionality.


Created through Executive Order No. 1 signed by President Aquino last July 31, the commission is tasked to shed light on  allegations of corruption against former President and now Pampanga representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and her officials.

Headed by former chief justice Hilario Davide Jr. and retired SC justice Romeo Callejo, the five-man body is expected to look into possible corruption scandals such as the multi-million fertilizer fund scam, the botched NBN-ZTE deal and the C-5 road mess.

"If the SC shall decide in favor of the constitutionality of Executive Order No. 1, the commission would be ready for its substantive work. If, on the other hand, the Supreme Court will declare Executive Order No. 1 as unconstitutional, then it could not be said that the Truth Commission and the members had done nothing at all," Davide said in a press conference this morning.

Nonetheless, Davide said the group has already sought the help of the Senate to provide them with documents on cases of "large-scale corruption committed during the previous administration."

Davide has likewise already asked all government agencies, including government-owned and controlled corporations, to provide them with graft and corruption cases involving the previous administration.

Mr. Aquino, for his part, said the independent body aims to remove insinuations that he is a “vindictive” President.

The Truth Commission, which the President earlier claimed to be both a fact-finding and recommendatory body, will exist until December 2012.

Meanwhile, the commission’s creation was met with opposition mostly from Arroyo allies in congress, some of whom have asked the SC to nullify EO No. 1.

-- With Xinhua

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