US envoy hopes to see Noy eating hotdog at Mets game

DAVAO CITY, Philippines – See you at the ball game.United States Ambassador Harry Thomas Jr. took note of President Aquino’s impromptu lunch consisting of a Coke and the famous New York hotdog sold on the sidewalks during his recent trip to the US, and hoped that the President’s next hotdog experience might be at a game of the New York Mets baseball team.

“As a New Yorker myself, I was pleased to see President Aquino dining on our famous hotdogs, something few heads of state might dare to do. I hope next time he will make it to a Mets game,” Thomas said yesterday.

Thomas said the relationship between America and the Philippines has been strengthened anew with the successful first visit of Mr. Aquino to the US to attend the recent United Nations General Assembly in New York.

In a statement from the US embassy, Thomas said “US-Philippine relations are stronger than ever.”

“We are global partners in the effort to achieve the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals; we are regional partners in supporting ASEAN’s (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) integration efforts; we are bilateral partners in advancing good governance, employment generation, improving public health and security in the Philippines,” Thomas said.

The President returned to Manila early Tuesday morning from San Francisco, bringing with him $2.4-billion worth of new investments expected to generate up to 200,000 jobs in the Philippines.

Thomas likewise said that they were delighted that Mr. Aquino was able to hold a private meeting with US President Barack Obama to discuss issues of importance to both nations.

Thomas said that even with the President’s hectic schedule of meetings with world leaders, business magnates and opinion makers, Mr. Aquino was able meet US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and presided over the signing of the $434-million Millennium Challenge Compact aimed at advancing Philippine development.

Thomas said as a key US partner, Mr. Aquino also played an important role in the US-ASEAN Summit held last week in New York.

“President Aquino’s sessions with American companies were equally worthwhile and I am eager to see how many US firms will take him up on the promise that the Philippines is open for business,” Thomas said.

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