‘Luli incident a wake-up call for airport courtesy’

The recent incident involving presidential daughter Evangeline Lourdes "Luli" Arroyo and a Bureau of Immigration examiner should remind airport personnel that they should be courteous and polite to airline passengers, the head of the country’s premier airport said yesterday.

Alfonso Cusi, Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) general manager, said he has ordered all heads and representatives of various government agencies operating at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport to ensure that their frontline personnel accord due respect and courtesy to all.

"This should serve as a reminder to all of us in government," he said. "Courtesy knows no color, rank or status. Everyone simply deserves it."

Cusi said airport workers must keep in mind the MIAA’s "Smile," program which set the NAIA Airport Decorum that includes extending pleasant airport greetings to passengers to avoid insinuations of solicitation and extortion, among others. Rainier Allan Ronda

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