Company widens recall of pet food brand

Master Foods Philippines, Inc. announced today that it has expanded the voluntary recall of Pedigree Dry dog food because of concerns over raw material quality at a manufacturing plant in Thailand. The company said that as a precaution it was also initiating a voluntary recall of Whiskas Dry cat food and a few dog treat products made at the plant.

"We are taking this action out of an abundance of caution and in the best interests of our customers and their pets," said Dr. Duncan Hall, regional scientific affairs manager of Master Foods. "This is the right thing to do to eliminate any concerns about the quality and safety of these products, and to ensure the health of our customers‚ pets."

The company emphasized that it took action on the cat food even though veterinarians have reported no evidence of any increases of illnesses in cats.

The recall applies to Pedigree Dry dog food, Whiskas Dry cat food and Pedigree Dog’s Delight Ringo, Pedigree Dog’s Delight Tasty Bone and Pedigree Puppy Biscuit dog treats manufactured at the Thailand plant. The products were sold in Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam. In Hong Kong, the recall is limited to Pedigree Dog’s Delight Ringo and Pedigree Dog’s Delight Tasty Bone.

In Japan, the recall is limited to one variety of Pedigree Dry dog food, nine varieties of KALKAN Brekkies dry cat food and two varieties of KITEKAT dry cat food.

No other countries or products are subject to the recall.

Consumers should check the label on the back of the package to determine where the product was made and whether it is subject to the voluntary recall, which covers only products manufactured in Thailand.

The company advised customers to stop feeding products covered by the recall to their pets and said they should consult with their veterinarian if they have any concerns.

Master Foods said the recalls were ordered immediately after evidence of mold was discovered in raw materials late Wednesday at the facility in Pakchong, Thailand. The Pakchong facility suspended production in response to reports of increased renal illness among dogs and a possible connection with Pedigree Dry dog food.

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