Osmeña supports field tests on gene-engineered corn variety

Sen. Sergio Osmeña III said yesterday that experiments on genetically engineered corn should be encouraged, as he expressed confidence any ecological risk arising from the tests would immediately be detected by scientists.

"Experts from various agencies are overseeing the experiments. If they say that (the tests are) safe, then (they are) safe. The jury is still out. I believe we should not cut the chance of producing more food for the people," said Osmeña, chairman of the Senate committee on agriculture.

He said opposition to the field trials on Bt corn, a pest-resistant variety, stems from lack of proper understanding of the complicated process.

"We should give the scientists enough leeway. The firms involved, Du Pont and Munsanto, are giants in their field. They are not fly-by-night companies. I am sure they would not gamble with their reputation. Otherwise, we would be filing a multimillion-dollar case against them," Osmeña said.

He said the United States, Australia, Canada and England have been consuming genetically engineered crops for the last five years.

"These countries are even stricter than the Philippines in protecting the environment and ensuring the welfare of consumers and yet, they have allowed the production and consumption of genetically engineered crop produce for the last five years," Osmeña added.

Several groups have been protesting the field trials on genetically engineered corn in General Santos City being undertaken by Cargill, a subsidiary of Du Pont.

Osmeña said Cargill is trying to introduce some genes in the corn to produce enzymes that could repel corn borers.

He said the field tests are completely safe and the success of the field tests would result in bigger food production.

Last Monday, groups protesting the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into the country filed a test case with the Supreme Court, seeking a stop to Cargill's field tests on Bt corn in General Santos City.

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