What the Year of the Rabbit has in store for you (Part 1)

Kung Hei Fat Choi dear readers!

Last week I shared the general overview of Patrick Fernandez of the Yin and Yang Shop of Harmony for the Year of the Romantic Water Rabbit.

According to Patrick, lucky signs this year are the Rat, Rabbit and Goat while the Ox, Tiger and Rooster don’t have it very good this year.

Read on your sign and find out what’s in store for you this year:


There is a star for the Rats that bode well for their relationships this year, both personally and professionally.

So take the time to nurture existing relationships, but more importantly take the time to make new friends and to grow your network. Your luck and positive Ch’i will come your way from these new bonds that you forge this year.

There is also a good star for one’s wealth and money luck. This is both from steady income as well as from investments. Try to maximize your earning potential this year, and don’t forget to save and invest wisely along the way.

However, there is a star called the Illusory Romance star in the charts of the Rat. This means that they may be subject to different temptations or be put in situations from a relationship perspective that may not be good for them.

Be more discerning this year and use your moral compass so as not to make decisions that will be detrimental to you and your loved ones.

Another star that is present has to do with rumors and gossip that involve you. This will be the result of unwanted attention and idle minds.

So as not to give fodder or ammunition to this, keep on a straight path and don’t heed to any false rumors about yourself so as not to put yourself under any undue stress.


There is a star called the Monthly Sha star that may present hurdles or obstacles in the path of the Ox this year.

To help address this, try to plan out each undertaking you have and have allowances as well as contingency plans when things don’t go your way.

Also be mindful of the Disaster energy this year which is coming from the Northwest sector and address this with the proper activities or layout of your home and office.

Another energy to be mindful of is one that will cause fluctuating emotions. You may have some periods of highs, as well as some periods of lows. Try to keep calm and have an even demeanor, and try not to make key decisions on the extreme highs or the extreme lows.

The Sky Dog star present for the Ox means that they should be extra careful with their safety this year. This would be when driving or traveling, or doing sports or outdoor activities, or even just around the home. Take some extra caution so as not to derail your year with unwanted injuries or accidents.

The Ox should pay close attention to the health of the elderly members of their family and loved ones. Make sure they are following the proper regimens and protocols and that they are getting check-ups when needed.

Additionally, pay attention to their mental and emotional well-being as well by spending time with them or checking up on them often.


The Tiger will be blessed with an enhanced Social star.

This means that they will be well regarded by all those they interact with and have the opportunity to grow your network, both personally and professionally. This is especially good for those who are public figures, or even influencers.

However, the flip side of having this star is that they may become extra restless and have bouts of anxiety. In this regard, pay a little more attention to your mental health so as not to be overwhelmed. Try to keep a good work-life balance as well.

Together with mental health, pay attention to your physical well-being as well.

Take the preventative steps by eating the right way, getting enough movement or exercise, keeping a good sleep schedule as well as managing one’s stress levels.

After Feb. 4, do blood test or donate blood.

There is also a star called the Mischievous star that has to do with losing or misplacing one’s belongings. This could be while traveling or even as part of one’s normal routine.

Be extra mindful so that you won’t waste time or energy trying to find things that you may have carelessly misplaced or forgotten.


Tai Suey star of the year will be in the spotlight.

Chance to shine and showcase your unique talents and leadership skills. Use whatever platforms or opportunities to be a multiplier of good, be it at home or at the office.

Academic intelligence star. Ability to absorb new information and knowledge quickly. Take opportunity to learn a new skill or area of knowledge, get out of your comfort zone. Try to immediately apply this new knowledge, or teach it to someone else if you can.

Good wealth star for accumulating assets and earning income. Be bold and seek out new investments or ventures. For business owners, explore expansions. Be partial toward investments that can bring you financial rewards not just the short term, but the long run.

Two directions to enhance: the South for shorter term gains and the North for longer term gains.

Watch out for energy that can sow discords and conflicts in your life. Be mindful of interactions with others, and take the high road if need be.

Pay attention to the Southeast sector of your home or office as this is where the conflict direction of the year is.


Great Sun Star, strong Yang Energy.

Luck will come from males in your life: family, friends, colleagues, customers or business partners. Try to increase your interactions, or seek assistance from the males in your life this year.

Climbing Saddle star. Good year for professional advancement and promotions.

Benefit from change or relocation, either big or small.

Seek out and volunteer for opportunities to claim these possibilities for yourself.

Tendency to find yourself disinterested or disconnected from people and events around you; work, loved ones, friends; feel withdrawn, lazy, complacent. In the past, these motivated you but this year not as much.

Remind yourself of the reason and value of why you are doing these things, and be grateful for them. Renew your motivation.

Year of being flexible and adaptable.

Sky Emptiness star that won’t make things go your way due to unforeseen events.

Have the mindset of being able to pivot quickly and don’t be closed off to only one way of doing things.

(To be continued.)

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