We need an Asian Artist Agency (AAA)

I recently had the opportunity to talk with some friends from the entertainment industry — writers, actors, directors — and as usually happens after such gatherings, I am left with a tremendous sense of pride and amazement at the overflow of talent we have in this country. In whatever field we choose to excel at, Filipinos can compete with the best the rest of the world has to offer and we will be able to hold our own.

Perhaps it comes from the rich mixture of cultures that we have inherited from our Indo-Pacific, Malayan, Spanish, Chinese and American ancestors. Fertile soil for whatever creative endeavors we undertake to take root and thrive. Whether we are cooking up some culinary masterpiece in the kitchen or kicking up a storm on stage, we Filipinos have never been reluctant in showcasing our artistry to the rest of the world.

And the reception from the rest of the world has been positive. Lea Salonga, Nora Aunor, Josie Natori, Monique Lhuillier, Cristeta Comerford, Manny Pacquiao, Margarita Fores and Tony Boy Escalante — the list of Filipino artists is as endless as they are varied. Theater, sports, music, film and culinary arts. There are few heights that are left for us to conquer.

Which logically brings us to the next step, that of making the Philippines the hub for talent development in Asia. With Filipinos being such a dominant voice in so many creative and artistic fields, it seems only natural that we should also be leading the way in bringing these kinds of talents from all over Asia together in an environment that nurtures, protects and promotes the best that the Philippines and Asia have to offer.

One of the ways this can be done is through the creation of an Asian Artist Agency (AAA). This is a DREAM inspired by the ASEAN integration and the growing demand for Asian talent in Europe, North America, the Middle East and everywhere else that excellence is appreciated and rewarded.

I am joined in this “dream” by friends — some from the entertainment industry, a few who are not, some who are Filipinos, others who are not — but all of whom share a common vision — to ride the crest of the next big Asian talent wave that will wash over the world.

We believe in creating Asian superstars. In cross-marketing among countries within the region and beyond. In having a unified talent agency manage the careers and market the service of Asian artists — directors, writers, performers, singers, athletes, actors — to all parts of the world.

When we bring Asian artists to the world, we will not just be entertaining an audience, we will also be bringing voices of over a billion Asian fans. With this kind of brand equity behind them, this makes any Asian act a potent force in the global entertainment industry. One that is able to dictate terms, create opportunities, open new markets, change mindsets and shift paradigms. This is the future. This is a DREAM!

Ancillary to creating the Asian Artist Agency, I also look forward to organizing some sort of a Philippine-Asian Talent Management Conference. This is where industry players, talent managers, talent promoters, producers, artists, media companies and everyone else interested about the latest developments can get together and talk about practices, similarities and differences of the Asian artists (like what is uniquely Filipino, Chinese, or Taiwanese?). This can perhaps start with a local conference that can evolve to an Asian-wide engagement.

Here, too, we can build bridges founded on our common Asian geography and ancestry. We can explore what makes us unique and what binds us together as Asian talents. We can map our strategies, lay out plans, establish networks — all in the cause of spreading Asian culture and talent beyond our continent.

I’m just really thinking aloud.

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