Steve Harvey says no one feels worse about error

Steve Harvey holds up the card showing the winners after he incorrectly announced Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez as the winner at the Miss Universe pageant on Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015, in Las Vegas. Miss Philippines Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach was named Miss Universe. AP/John Locher

LAS VEGAS — Miss Universe host Steve Harvey says no one feels worse than he does about his mistake awarding Colombia the crown before Miss Universe.

Harvey spoke to reporters assembled at the Planet Hollywood hotel-casino where the pageant concluded with him awarding the crown to the wrong person.

Mark Shapiro of the pageant's new owner, WME ' img, says Harvey corrected the mistake on his own when he realized the error on air.

Both say it was human error.

The beauty pageant ended Sunday night with the contestant from Colombia having the crown removed from her head and placed on the contestant from the Philippines after Harvey mistakenly read that she had won when really she was the first runner-up.

Harvey says he hasn't spoken with Miss Colombia.

RELATED: Philippines's Pia Wurtzbach is 64th Miss Universe

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