A bio flick on Pope Francis

Argentina’s Dario Grandinetti plays Jorge Bergoglio in the movie

MANILA, Philippines - When the Pope visited the Philippines early this year, millions of Filipinos welcomed him with overwhelming tears and cheers. It was an emotional and monumental moment for the country as the last Papal visit was 20 years ago.

Today, a movie about his life before we knew him as the Pope he came to be is hitting theaters. Papa Francisco: The Pope Francis Story explores and examines various events that lead to Jorge Bergoglio’s papacy.

The film shows various glimpses of the different facets of the life of the Pope, from his adolescence to his ministry, to his fight against poverty, corruption, prostitution and drug trafficking.

The film also tells real and personal events in the life of the Pope that most people have not seen or heard yet, including the moment when he had actually fallen in love.

Not known to all, young Pope Francis fell in love with a beautiful young brunette after he had already decided to pursue priesthood.

According to Pope Francis, he had become obsessed with this woman that he couldn’t sleep, couldn’t pray and couldn’t concentrate.

The Pope, according to Daily Mail, had a week-long infatuation. “There was a girl that turned my head for a week when I was at the seminary,” said Pope Francis in his interview.

He fell in love, but his vocation to priesthood was much stronger. Love was found, love was lost. But love was found again by Pope Francis, in the arms of the Church.

The film is based on the book titled Francis: Life and Revolution by Elizabetta Pique. The book is hailed as the most accurate depiction of the Pope up to date. The author, on the other hand, is a world-respected Vatican journalist, a close friend of the Pope, and the only reporter who predicted that Jorge Bergoglio will become the next Pope.

Pop Francis is played by Argentina’s Dario Grandinetti, best known for being the first non-European actor who won the International Best Actor award.

Various religions believe that the upcoming movie about the life of the Pope is a great way to sustain the fervor of the recent papal visit, and remind Filipinos of the message of Pope Francis about mercy and compassion.

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