IN PHOTOS: Bb. Pilipinas 2015 candidates fierce in casual wear at fashion show

Pia Wurtzbach during the casual wear portion of the Bb. Pilipinas 2015 fashion show on February 27 at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City. Asuncion

MANILA, Philippines – They've proven themselves in their swimsuit. They've also gone all out in pageantry with national costumes.

But the 34 candidates of the 2015 Binibining Pilipinas pageant showed that they can go fierce and sexy in casual wear during the beauty contest's fashion show at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City on Thursday.

The aspiring beauty queens walked the runway in casual clothes by fashion brand Jag.

The fashion show is one of the preliminary activities of the 2015 Bb. Pilipinas pageant before the coronation night on March 15.

The candidates are set to do the traditional parade of beauties next week. They were also officially presented to the press earlier this month.

Check out photos of the Bb. Pilipinas 2015 in casual wear during the pageant fashion show:







Photo credit: Asuncion

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