Kris Aquino remembers Cory on 5th death anniversary

Kris Aquino remembers her mother, Cory Aquino's fifth death anniversary. File photo/AJ BOLANDO

MANILA, Philippines- Kris Aquino remembered her mother, former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino, on her fifth death anniversary.

Cory died August 1, 2009, due to colon cancer.

On Friday morning, Kris posted a family picture with her mom, which she says is their “last family picture, Christmas before her death.”

Kris admired how her sons Josh and Bimby have grown since the photo was taken, making her think how her mother would have "enjoyed seeing my 2 boys grow up & evolve,” if she was still  alive now.

She also relates that her son Bimby wishes that his “Lola had a cellphone in heaven so that he & Kuya could call her & tell her they loved her.”

Here is the photo's complete caption: “I had a terrible headache last night & just couldn't force myself to make it to A&A... Good morning to all, Kris Tv is LIVE today from 19 East, a musical remembrance of my Mom. This was our last family picture, taken the Christmas before her death. Today we commemorate her 5th death anniversary & seeing how fat Kuya Josh was & how tiny Bimb was just made me realize how much she'd have enjoyed seeing my 2 boys grow up & evolve... I know I should be thinking more in terms of what a proud Mom she would be of her only son, Noy- but to my sons she's always Lola Cory. Last night Bimb was saying that he wished Lola had a cellphone in heaven so that he & Kuya could call her & tell her they loved her.”

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