Little Infinities fans at Fault In Our Stars screening

Kris Aquino graces the special screening of the book-turned-movie Fault In Our Stars at Greenbelt 3 cinema

MANILA, Philippines - The recently-concluded fans day screening dubbed as Little Infinities, inspired by the book-turned-movie The Fault In Our Stars written by John Green, held at Greenbelt 3 cinema is a testament that wishes do come true. 

From the book’s pages, the genies granted the Filipino fans’ wish to watch the movie The Fault In Our Stars as early as May 12. From more than 4,000 entries, a total of 120 fans won the most coveted tickets from 20th Century Fox’s online promo where they were randomly chosen. Additionally, presidential sister and book lover Kris Aquino graced the event and gamely interacted with the rest of the fans and guests invited to the screening.

Prior to the start of the movie, Green, musician Ed Sheeran and The Fault In Our Stars lead actors Ansel Elgort and Shailene Woodley surprised the audience with their welcome messages. 

The Fault In Our Stars presents Hazel and Gus’ journey of forever — two extraordinary teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disdain for the conventional and a love that sweeps them on an unforgettable adventure. Their relationship is all the more miraculous, given that they met and fell in love at a cancer support group. The Fault In Our Stars explores the funny, thrilling and tragic business of being alive and in love.

Hazel Grace Lancaster (Woodley) is 16 years old. She alternately loves and tolerates her sometimes over-doting parents. Hazel has developed a crush on a young man, Gus Waters (Elgort), who seems equally smitten with her. As they grow closer, Hazel and Gus share their fears that accompany their health issues, as well as their love of books, including Hazel’s touchstone, An Imperial Affliction. She has tried many times to get in touch with the book’s reclusive author Peter Van Houten (Willem Dafoe), to no avail. When Gus manages to reach Van Houten through the author’s assistant, it results, astonishingly, in an invitation to meet the writer in Amsterdam. Gus is determined to take Hazel on a journey that will answer every question she has ever had about the book that has meant so much to her.

But the answers she is looking for do not come from Van Houten. They come from living a great adventure that Hazel shares with someone she is not afraid to love — who has given them both what she calls a “little infinity â€” a forever within the numbered days.”

The Fault In Our Stars opens in cinemas nationwide on June 5 in the Philippines from 20th Century Fox to be distributed by Warner Bros.

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