Perfect skin, slimmer arms The Belo Way in Salamat Dok

MANILA, Philippines - The doctor to the stars and one of the country’s highly-respected cosmetic surgeons and beauty guru Dr. Vicki Belo (photo) will show on ABS-CBN’s Salamat Dok exactly how the Belo Medical Group gives clients fairer and blemish-free skin that can’t be achieved just by using soap and astringent, as well as how to get slimmer arms quickly, safely and effectively.

In the Sept. 16 episode of the medical TV program airing at 7:30 a.m., Belo will put the focus on their Power Peel skin treatment program and Glutathione-IV injection that even celebrities avail to have whiter and flawless complexion.

Unknown to many, Belo’s Power Peel skin treatment program not only wipes out pimples, blackheads and whiteheads, but it can bust age spots, fine lines and flaking skin by getting rid of dead and dull skin, thus, encouraging the production of fresh new skin cells and collagen. The ultimate advancement in non-invasive, non-surgical skin conditioning, the program can even result to reduced appearance of stretch marks and acne scars.

In demonstrating Power Peel on the show, Belo will clearly show why the Power Peel is way better than getting a diamond peel giving the patient the ultimate benefit in terms of affectivity and safety.

Glutathione-IV injection, that even celebrities avail to have lighter and more even complexion, on the other hand, will be revealed as top antioxidant against free radicals that damage cells and tissues. More, Gluta-IV promotes even skin lightening and as improved immune response.

Tune in to Salamat Dok this weekend.

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