Body Talk with The 2012 Century Tuna Superbods

Monika Sta. Maria and John Spainhour

What does it take to be a Century Tuna Superbod?

The 2012 winners, John Spainhour and Monika Sta. Maria, have the answer.

John: I didn’t have to change much because of my prior job and the job that I have now required me to stay fit. All I really had to change was that I had to do more cardio to prepare myself for all the running and swimming.

Monika: I worked out every day as much as possible. If I had work, I tried to find time to at least jog for 15 minutes. I also had to observe a strict diet of oats in the morning, Century Tuna with whole wheat bread in the afternoon, and salad and lots of fruits in the evening.

A professional model, John is a Gemini (June 6, 1987) who quit on his first year in college. He stands 6’1” tall; weighs 177 lbs.; and wears large-sized shirt, medium-sized underwear and size-11 shoes.

A full-time model, Monika is a Cancerian (July 13, 1991) who is an AB Psychology graduate from De La Salle University. She stands 5’10” tall; weighs 129 lbs.; and wears small/medium-sized shirt, medium-sized underwear and size-nine shoes.

The Century Tuna Superbods is the first contest that John joined (he’s a lucky first-timer); while Monika finished as a finalist in a reality-TV mega fashion show where she competed as a model.

What was the toughest part of the Century Tuna search?

John: The Q&A because I’m not used to speaking before a crowd. I was really nervous.

Monika: Also the Q&A. I was really nervous and afraid that my mind might go blank, or I might say something silly. Thank heavens, I survived it!

What kind of diet do you follow?

John: No specific diet, really. I just eat what I think my body needs most of the time. I always try to change my choices so I don’t have to eat the same thing every day. I also eat healthier on days when I don’t have much physical activity. I try to be flexible because not every meal is going to be exactly what you want, which is why I’m not very picky.

What’s usually for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

John: It varies. I follow some guidelines. I eat lots of carbs and calories in the morning and proteins later in the day.

What food do you always crave for, what food do you avoid?

John: I love steaks and sushi. I don’t like okra because it grosses me out.

Monika: I don’t really crave for any particular food. Well, it depends. At the moment I crave for the Greek salad of Coffee Bean mainly because I love the taste of feta cheese!

Any snacks between meals?

John: Yes. Your body’s metabolism will stay higher if you eat smaller but more frequent meals.

Monika: Usually fruits or whole-wheat crackers.

How much water do you take per day (soda, coffee, tea or energy drinks)?

John: I don’t really keep track but I make sure that I get a good amount of water in me every day.

Monika: I drink coffee every morning. I drink water every meal and have some tea during snacks. I love fresh juice and fruit shakes, too!

What vitamins do you take?

John: Same with food. Every month or two, I change the brand of the vitamins and supplements that I’m taking.

Monika: I used to take vitamins when I was younger but now I just eat healthy and drink milk.

What workout do you do?

John: Right now, I concentrate on free weights to maintain my body because I’m not competing for anything. I do cardio for variety. If anything special is coming up, I do “endurance” exercises.

Monika: I jog. It’s the best warm-up exercise and it gives you a good sweat. Then, I do a lot of core exercises.

What part of your body needs improvement?

John: My deltoids because they are the hardest parts to work on. I want to make them bigger.

Monika: The lower part of my body where I usually store unwanted fat.

What part of your body is most vulnerable?

John: Probably my core. The better the core the easier everything else will be, that’s why it’s called the core.

Monika: My feet. I jog and as a model, I’m always on high heels, so my feet take all the pressure.

What part of your body is your favorite?

John: No specific part. I love it that my body is well-proportioned.

Monika: My legs because they give me the advantage when I play volleyball before and now when I model.

What part of a woman’s (a man’s) body do you notice first?

John: After sizing her up, I check out her legs and her mid-section. After that, I will know if I’m really attracted to her.

Monika: The eyes. Through them, you can read a man’s emotions.

What else in a woman (a man) turns you on?

John: When a woman is really sexy but acts like she doesn’t know it.

Monika: I like guys who make me laugh and who make interesting conversation.

And what’s in a woman (a man) that turns you off?

John: ‘Yung conceited.

Monika: Not hygienic.

How’s your love life?

John: I’ve been talking to several women but I really just want someone who will make me think of no one else but her. I need a woman who feels the same as I do because I’m not going to force her to be my girlfriend.

Monika: Happy.

Do you have a nightlife?

John: Here and there but not all the time.

Monika: Yes, I have. It’s fun being able to let go and dance to music you love with friends who dance with you.

How much sleep do you get per night?

John: Eight hours. Sarap matulog, eh!

Monika: At least seven to eight hours.

Favorite sleepwear?

John: Hahahaha…yeah, nothing!

Monika: Just comfy cotton mini shorts and loose shirt.

Do you snore?

John: I wouldn’t know. Tulog ako, eh, hahaha!

Monika: No, I don’t.

Do you talk in your sleep?

John: Very rarely. When I do, I always wake up.

Monika: No, I don’t.

Do you sleepwalk?

John: No.

Monika: No, I don’t.

How many pillows do you sleep with?

John: Three.

Monika: Two, one under my head and the other I hug.

Last thing that you do before you go to sleep?

John: Nothing in particular.

Monika: Check my phone for any Facebook and Twitter updates from friends, then set my alarm clock.

First thing that you do when you wake up?

John: Find something to eat.

Monika: Check my phone, and make coffee and oatmeal or cereals.

How do you unwind or cope with stress? Massage or meditation? What sport do you play?

John: I play video games. Sometimes, I get a massage. I play basketball.

Monika: I spend my free time with people close to me. We try to just catch up, go to the gym together or plan activities like rock-climbing, table tennis or laser tag.

Favorite city?

John: New York. But it’s expensive going there, so it’s Manila na muna.

Monika: Sagada, even if it’s not exactly a city. I’d been going there when I was young. It’s the most peaceful place I’ve ever been in.

Favorite hideaway?

John: Anywhere I can go to on my Yamaha R6.

Monika: My condo or my friend’s place.

Name three men that you think have nice bodies.

John: Ryan Reynolds, Brad Pitt…. hmmm, I can’t think of a third because it’s not as if I keep track of them.

Monika: Channing Tatum, Chris Hemsworth (the guy who played Thor in Avengers) and Charlie Sutcliffe. (Hahahaha!!!)

And three women that you think have nice bodies.

John: Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel and the entire Victoria’s Secret Angels.

Monika: Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez and Olivia Wilde.

Using only body language, how would you make a woman (a man) know that you admire her (him)?

John: I would just use my posture to favor her and look her in the eyes when she looks at me.

Monika: I’m really shy so I don’t think I would make any body language towards a guy I admire. At the most, maybe I would smile.

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