Piranha on video

MANILA, Philippines - The director of The Hills Have Eyes, Alexander Aja, made another monster hit with Piranha, a remake of a 1978 film. Described in reviews as “certified fresh,” it makes a great addition to anyone’s video collection of terror-in-the-water films.

Starring Richard Dreyfuss, Elizabeth Shue and Jerry O’Connell, Piranha shows what happens in sleepy Lake Victoria one fateful day during Spring Break. Just like in the previous years, a massive crowd of boisterous young people keeps authorities on the watch in case riot breaks out. But this year, the thrilling cheers turn to chilling screams as a powerful underwater tremor releases scores of prehistoric man-eating fish. The local sheriff Julie Forester (Shue) gathers her team to address the situation. Now, this group of unlikely heroes must do their best to keep what’s left of the population from totally being devoured by these razor-toothed monsters.

Piranha, the uncut version is now available on original VCD and DVD.

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