What's in Tintin's heart & mind?

Tintin Bersola answers 35 questions and allows us to peek into what goes on in her heart and mind. Funny, sexy and brilliant, she’s one of the best hosts we have in this country. Read on.

If you could be somebody’s guardian angel, who would you safeguard?

All the children of the world, most especially my daughter.

The book that you would bring if you were stranded in an island?

Everything You’ll Need to Know When Stranded in an Island... Hehehe! Well, anticipating a plane crash or shipwreck, heaven forbid, I will bring a Survival Handbook. Aside from that, my collection of Paulo Coelho books and my journal. I have to write My Island experience and publish it after. And I hope it will be a bestseller.

When was the last time you were on bended knees?

Every Tuesday and Sunday in Church.

How do you show your love for God?

Following His commandments. Leading by example. Sharing the blessings He gives. Pray. Pray. Pray.

Would you rather be president of this country or the richest woman?

Richest woman! I’d rather be a pilantropo than a pulitiko. I aspire to be the richest woman not only in terms of the money in my pocket — but rich because above all, my soul is wealthy.

What would you do if you inherited a billion dollars?

Predictably, but true to form, 1.) I will build schools — or refurbish old worn-out classrooms. 2.) I will build a church or fund the construction of a church. 3.) Give out more scholarships. 4.) Donate more houses to Gawad Kalinga. 5.) Buy a food franchise and mini-grocery to employ people. 6.) Buy my Mama her dream retirement home. 7.) Invest in more real estate. 8.) Invest in Euro money, bonds and mutual funds for the long term. 9.) Travel. 10.) Shop — Now, mukhang kulang ang $1-B.

If you had the power to change one thing in this world, what would it be? Why? I would change that one ugly aspect of Human Nature — its evil side.

The best movie of all time?

Father of the Bride, The American President and Casablanca.

If you can compete one-on-one with any single athlete, who would it be?

The Pacman!

When do you consider ambition healthy?

When the odds are so difficult, and the pain just gets deeper. Then, you feel numb and think you’re dead but then you wake up the next morning and realize that you are still breathing. That means, you are still given time and hope to fulfill your ambitions.

What makes you happy?

Family... always and traveling, watermelon and yoghurt/ice cream.

What is the best place on earth?


What is the one book that you read over and over again?

The books that I’ve written — Basura Monster, The Story of Christine, Bryan Learns His Lesson. I’ve read these books to hundreds of kids.

The most important event in history that you have participated in?

The 1986 EDSA Revolution. I gave sandwiches and drinks to the Filipino soldiers.

Whose brains would you want to have?

Right now, President Obama.

Upon arrival at the Pearly Gates, God is waiting, what is the first thing you would say?

I’m back!

What was the nicest thing said about you?

Mas maganda ka pala in person!

What is your favorite corner in the house?

The side of the bed where I sleep — always the wall side.

How much time do you spend in the bathroom?

Two hours. Kasama na drying my hair, make up, dress up.

What is your greatest achievement?

Being a dedicated wife, mother, children’s book author and advocate of many causes.

What do you like most about yourself?

My innate and insatiable nature to help.

 What defines you?

My thoughts, words, actions — the way I live my life.

What is your security blanket?

Julius and Antonia.

If you could be someone for a day, who would you be? Why?

JK Rowling. From someone so poor, to someone so wealthy.

The most beautiful person you have met?

I still have to meet them up close — Angelina Jolie or Anne Hathaway.

The most expensive thing you bought for yourself?

The house I bought when I was still single.

What is your early morning ritual?

Pray. Stretch. Read the papers while sipping coffee.

The biggest challenge you had to face?

The dynamics of the network and the landscape of this industry.

If you were a fictional character who would you be?

Wonder Woman o si Darna.

This is your last night in the world, who do you want to spend it with?

Of course, with who else, my family!

If you can plan your death, how would it be?

In sleep. In peace.

If you have to eliminate one emotion in your life, what would it be?

Harboring grudges and resentment against these people who always got in the way of the fulfillment of my dreams.

What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

Traveling overseas relaxes me.

If you were a precious stone, what would you be?

A diamond.

If your thoughts were audible, what would we hear at this very moment?

I’m sleepy!

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