Martin talks about his special girl

For several weeks now, DPAs have been sending “feelers” to Funfare about an alleged “new girl” in the life of Martin Nievera (photo) who is based in Las Vegas with his beloved Katrina Ojeda. Just finished with his successful 25th-anniversary-in-showbiz concert last week at the Araneta Coliseum, Martin has flown back to the US, unwittingly leaving a trail of juicy whispers about, yes, that “new girl” who was spotted at the patron section of the Big Dome during the concert.

Does Martin really have a girl other than Katrina? According to one rumor, the girl is the daughter of a “prince” and that makes her a “princess.”

Funfare contacted Martin for his comment on this latest “kink(?)” in his love life and here’s his texted reply which he requested to be published verbatim, with not a word changed:

Sorry for the late reply. This is about a very dear friend of our family. Her father is not the prince. We have spent time together. Yes, she was at my concert and, together with her family, has watched my past concerts. Yes, she is special, but there’s nothing to report at this point except that I’m so sorry to have their names come out here and there.

I would like to apologize to all the families affected by all this, most especially to Angie and her family. It would truly be sad if our relationship was affected by all this. They are all very special to me and my family, and I would not want them involved in our world of intrigue.

Thanks so much for always calling me first (before printing anything) and trusting me. I would have rather told you face-to-face, but this will have to do for noe. Thanks again, my friend.

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