Laurice was the last to know

The title of today’s column sounds innocuous but the incident it is referring to was downright embarrassing – and shocking! – for Laurice Guillen, the...victim?

I will relate the incident (as recalled by an eyewitness) without any side comment and, as you read it, weep for Laurice, head of the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) until that fateful opening night of the CineManila Film Festival first week of this month.

Laurice arrived at the Maynilad of the Manila Hotel for the event’s opening ceremonies, accompanied by National Artist (director) Eddie Romero. She was slightly annoyed that no seat was reserved for her even if she’s a ranking official of the movie industry. Anyway, Laurice was smugly seated beside Eddie when the bomb was dropped by Manila Mayor Lito Atienza during his speech.

Very casually, the Honorable Mayor acknowledged the presence of Jackie Atienza ("My nephew," the Mayor said), identifying him as "the new head of the Film Development Council of the Philippines!"

"I looked at Laurice and her face turned blank," the eyewitness said. "As far as I know, her term is going to expire next month yet and as far as she knew she wasn’t given the go-signal yet by Malacañang to vacate the post she had been holding for more than two years. In short, Laurice was the last to know."

Former head of the Bancom movie outfit that produced big-budgetted films like Aguila (an FPJ starrer directed by Eddie Romero) and Salome (by Laurice), Jackie Atienza took over the helm of the Cinema Evaluation Board (CEB) last year from Bebot Amador when Bebot died. The CEB is one of the two agencies under the FDCP, the other being the IFFCOM (International Film Festival Committee) headed by Marichu "Manay Ichu" Maceda.

"And then," added the eyewitness, "I saw Laurice and Eddie stand up and leave, right after Mayor Atienza finished his speech. She still looked clueless; she didn’t know what hit her."

Intriguing questions:

Why didn’t Malacañang properly inform Laurice about her termination?

Did Mayor Atienza in all innocence acknowledge his nephew Jackie as "the new FDCP head" and in the process unwittingly hurt Laurice’s feelings and embarrass her in public?

Is Laurice an unwary victim of politics?

Perhaps to "console" her in an ironic way, Laurice’s director-friend called to sympathize with her and jokingly said, "See you in Mendiola!"

Now, doesn’t Malacañang owe Laurice a little explanation?

Or, like Laurice, is Malacañang the last to know?
April Boy Regino: Coming to America
When Funfare headlined three weeks ago the story about April Boy Regino’s decision to migrate to America with his family (wife Madel and their two children Charmine and Christian), several readers wondered why April Boy would turn his back at his thriving career and face "an uncertain future" abroad. On the strength of an "extraordinary ability visa," April Boy and family flew on Oct. 7 to California where Funfare caught them last week, accompanied by US-based Filipino lawyer Jemela Nettles who handled April Boy’s petition for an "extraordinary ability visa." Jemela has been processing the working visas of Filipino artists having concerts in the US, but getting an "extraordinary ability visa" for a Pinoy artist is her first case.

I had merienda with the group at the DJ Bibingkahan in Carson City where the Reginos are temporarily staying with a relative. They just came from Hawaii and they’re taking their own sweet time seeing the sights before deciding where to settle down.

No, April Boy is not turning his back on his singing career. In fact, he’s optimistic that he can go on with it "out there," starting with a show end of this month in Guam. Middle of November, April Boy might come home to promote his new album and then fly right back to the US where he and his family will spend their first Christmas away from home.

"I decided to migrate for the sake of my children," said April Boy as he acknowledged greetings from Pinoys going in and out of the Bibingkahan. "I believe they have a better future in America. I’m thankful to Jemela for helping me get an ‘extraordinary ability visa.’ How much did she charge me? Affordable."

(Note: Jemela may be contacted at the Jemela Agraviador-Nettles law offices at downtown L.A., with telephone number 213-426-6516.)
Billy Crawford’s Exorcist now on DVD
Here’s good news for people who want to watch Dominion: A Prequel to The Exorcist. Warner Home Video will soon release the DVD version where appears Billy Crawford as the possessed guy. Billy is "missing" in the version shown commercially last year, along with Gabriel Mann who plays the priest.

Director Paul Schrader was canned and Renny Harlin was drafted in, and the film was remade from scratch. In Schrader’s version, the victim is a cripple who gets healthy under possession while the Harlin version follows the "disfigurement/pea-soup-vomit route."

Billy was recruited for the role by John Frankenheimer, who was originally tapped to direct the movie, with Liam Neeson as lead star (but never got to doing it).
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