30 minutos con Segundo Cernadas

Had Segundo Cernadas, popular among local fans for his role in the GMA telenovela Monica Brava, been around during the Oakwood mutiny last July, it would have been a deja vu experience for him. You see, back in his native Argentina, which is just as politically-volatile as the Philippines, such "disturbances" are nothing new.

Segundo arrived first week of October, three months after that incident, to shoot 26 episodes (good for two seasons and a half) of Te Amo, directed by Lore Reyes and Khryss Adalla, a new telenovela to premiere early next year on GMA which is also producing it.

Two days before Funfare sat down for this interview with Segundo, a huge rally rocked the vicinity of Oakwood where Segundo is billetted but he missed that, too, because he was somewhere in Tarnate, Cavite shooting.

I had 30 minutes with Segundo and this was how our interview went, facilitated by Monina Tan, a tour guide, who acted as translator for the Spanish-speaking hunk:

Has it been all work for you? Don’t you have time to relax and go around?

"I’ve been to so many places, like Tagaytay, Puerto Galera and Intramuros."

When did you start shooting Te Amo (with Izza Calzado as his leading lady)?

"One week after I arrived."

How long will you be here?

"Four months."

What are your impressions of the Philippines so far?

"Manila is very much like Buenos Aires. The climate is the same, but there’s more humidity here. That’s what bothers me a bit. The people are warm and hospitable, always attending to my needs."

Are Filipinos like Argentinians?

"I think Filipinos are more shy. Filipinos are more respectful."

What’s the difference between working here and working in your country?

"I live in Buenos Aires. I started working in Argentina, where I was born. Three years ago, I started working in countries near Argentina, like Peru, Venezuela and Colombia. My telenovelas are shown in all these countries. The pace of work in Manila is much slower. It’s better that way because you have time to do your job well. Everything is done meticulously. In Latin American countries, they do things fast to save money. But in the end, the result is not good."

What is Te Amo all about?

"It’s a love story. I play a stranger washed ashore. A fisherman saves my life and I fall in love with his daughter (Izza). I play a mysterious character."

Oh, mysterious. What happened to the character? Why was he washed ashore? Where did he come from? Did you survive a shipwreck?

"I’m sorry but I cannot tell you. Otherwise, I will spoil the suspense. Better watch Te Amo and find out for yourself."

What was your reaction when Te Amo was offered to you? Did you know that Monica Brava was a popular soap here?

"I thought somebody was playing a joke on me. At first, I didn’t believe that I would come all the way to the Philippines to shoot a telenovela."

How long did your flight take?

"Thirty-six hours. From Buenos Aires, I flew to Brazil then to Amsterdam and then to Manila, with a one-hour stopover in Singapore. Thirty-six hours."

Is it your first time to come to Asia?

"My first time, yes."

How many millions are you being paid for the job?

(Joking) "Four million dollars a day!"

You’ve been here for more than two months. Don’t you feel homesick?

"Not yet."

No tienes esposa (don’t you have a wife)?

"No, I don’t. I’m single. I don’t feel homesick because the people here are friendly; they are very nice to me. I miss my country but not so much."

Do you have a girlfriend?

"None. But don’t worry, I will find one."

There or here?


There are lots of pretty girls around.

"I can see that."

Have you met any of them (aside from the Filipina actresses you’re working with)?

"I did. Some of them."

Did you flirt with them – and vice-versa?

"A little."

Have you gone out with any of them?

"No. Not yet."

How do you spend your free time?

"I went go-carting with Jomari (Yllana, who’s also in Te Amo) and we plan to go bar-hopping with Tonton (Gutierrez, another Te Amo star)."

Is the social scene in the Philippines similar to that of Argentina?

"Yes, the same. Like Filipinos, Latinos want to go out and have fun."

How long have you been an actor?

"For more than 11 years. I’ve so far done nine telenovelas. I did one movie but not in Argentina... in Spain. The name of the movie is Two Destinies, directed by an Englishman. First, I want to do telenovelas, telenovelas and telenovelas. After seven years, I stop and start making movies."

Why don’t you do telenovelas and movies at the same time?

"I cannot. In Argentina, you either do only telenovelas or only movies. Since I started working, I didn’t stop. I want to continue doing telenovelas until I reach 38. I’m only 32. In Argentina, the best moment of an actor is when he’s 45 or 50 years old. So I’ll start making movies when I’m 45 or 50."

What about Hollywood? Latinos and Latinas are very popular in Hollywood, like Antonio Banderas, Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz and many others. Fernando Carillo (also very popular in the Philippines) is starring in a telenovela shown in L.A.

"I don’t know if I’m going to be happy in a place like that. I don’t know if I will like the lifestyle there."

You’re staying here until February next year. Are you spending Christmas here?

"No. At home, with Mama and Papa, with my one brother and one sister. I’m the eldest. I live alone but I will spend Christmas with my family."

Don’t you have any girlfriend in Argentina?

"No. But I had one a year ago."

Are you Catholic?

"Yes. I was born Catholic."

How are Filipinas different from Argentinian women?

"Here, many girls try to put on white make-up because they want to look white. In Argentina, it’s the opposite. They are fair-skinned and they want to look darker."

What type of women do you find attractive?

"I like them simple (in character) and sincere. Women who are secure with themselves."

Is Segundo Cernadas your real name?

"My real first name is Pedro and Cernadas is really my real surname."

Why did you drop Pedro in favor of Segundo?

"Segundo is a typical name in the countryside of Argentina. I was born in the countryside where there was a famous cowboy named Segundo. When I was a boy, I talked all the time about him, so my family started calling me Segundo."

Do you have a love scene with Izza?

"Yes, on the first (shooting) day. It was very natural."

Besides Te Amo, are you doing any other projects here?


Do you deliver your dialogue (in Te Amo) in Spanish?

"No. In English."

Have you learned some Tagalog words?

"Yes. A few."

Like what?

(Laughing) "Never mind. Bad words."

(E-mail reactions at rickylo@philstar.net.ph)

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