The Little Asia experience

I recently had a dinner meeting at Little Asia, Symphony of Flavors, and it was a fabulous gastronomical experience!

Located along Tomas Morato in Quezon City, the restaurant boasts of great food. So good that you’d literally forget your poise and studied grace once your tongue touches the Caramel Banana Tower, Crepe Samurai, Boneless Tilapia (I swear it melted in my mouth), Cantonese Prawns with Melted Cheese, Shrimp Curls with Mango Dip and Vietnamese Spring Rolls.

Besides great tasting food, Little Asia also has a wonderfully-designed modern interior. Dominant color is red that gives it a powerfully yet playful ambiance. The design is a visual treat, where a headboard of a bed majestically hangs on one wall, while a gargantuan sun shines all over the ceiling even at night. The stairway leading to the second floor is just gorgeous.

Little Asia is managed by affable Charlemagne Lim. Call 373-0609 and reserve a seat for lunch or dinner. Bon Appetit.
Donita is Fila model
Donita Rose is the newest endorser of Fila. Donita said it was perfect timing late last year just before the offer of Fila was made, she had decided to go to the gym more often.

"I got so excited when Fila said they wanted me to be their new image model for their clothes and accessories," says Donita. "With Fila, I have athletic clothes that are fashionable, that look good inside and outside the gym, clothes that I can actually wear all day."

"I think Donita is the perfect choice for this new fashionable and athletic range of Fila," says Fila EVP Cris Albert. "She has a flawlessly wholesome image, and many young people look up to her as an inspiration. She’s young and fashionable, she’s always energetic and on the go, and our clothes look great on her."

The debut collection of clothes that Donita is modeling goes beyond the traditional Fila styles. It’s more colorful –sort of sportswear meets streetwear that is also very sexy and fashionable.
Auditions for Lion
About 350 men, women and children queued up for the auditions of Trumphets’ The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

One of the objectives of this exercise was to find two sets of children to play the lead roles in this fabulous musical based on the classic children’s novel by renowned British author C.S. Lewis. Roles being cast were for the Pevensie children – the endearing 10-year-old Lucy; the problematic 12-year-old Edmund; the rather motherly older sister Susan; and the on-the-verge-of-manhood eldest brother Peter.

The exercise was such a success that 60 teens and kids were called back for the rigorous six-hour workshop and selection process. First, the children were taught the songs they would sing in the musical. After the songs had been learned, the children were mixed and matched according to age and height since they had to look like brothers and sisters. Finally, they were asked to sing the songs they had learned. After four hours, the list of 60 had been whittled down to 18 and by 8 p.m., The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe had its young cast.

Peter will be played alternately by Franco Mabanta, better known as "Jasper" in the well-known series of soda commercials, and Paolo Valenciano… who, yes, is the son of Gary Valenciano but, on his own merit, has been an outstanding student of Trumphets Playshop for the past two years! Relative unknown Michael Ramirez will understudy the role. All three acquitted themselves with great aplomb and exhibited the blend of charm, naivete and assertiveness and responsibility required of a boy on the threshold of adulthood.

Cast as Susan, the Ate of the group, are Camille Cabrera whose first major stage role was as the young sister Lucy in the 1997 and 1998 productions of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, and another theater veteran from Repertory Philippines, Crisel Consunji. Tanya Manalang, another Lucy now grown up, will understudy.

Edmund, the pivotal role of traitor turned hero, will be portrayed by Playshop Kids Sam Concepcion and Inaki Ting with Javvy Ortega, also a Playshop Kid, as understudy.

The role of the adorable Lucy will be shared by TV personality Moreen Guese and Playshop Kid Alexa Ortega with Alexa’s younger sister Chesca waiting in the wings for her turn on the boards.

Still up for grabs are the roles of the Lion, the White Witch, Father Christmas, Tumnus the Faun and Mr. & Mrs. Beaver.

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
will open at the Meralco Theater in August 2002. (For inquiries, call Trumphets at 633-5010.)

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