Century head impressed by Ruffa's

ent1While the (hopefully whole) Philippines saw Ruffa Gutierrez as co-host of Todd Newton and Lisa Robertson in the five-hour Countdown to the Millennium aired on ABC Channel 5 "in the Philippines" last Jan. 1 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., some Filipinos in other parts of the world, particularly North America, including Funfare's international correspondent Ferdinand Lapuz, didn't, in the words of one disgruntled Funfare reader, "get a glimpse" of Ruffa and/or the show.

Reader "Lyn" wrote to complain that it wasn't shown in the USA; and neither did reader Nancy Santos see it in Canada. One "Miss New Jersey" also missed the show while another reader who e-mailed a letter from abroad, identifying himself simply as "JLL," accused Funfare (and, for that matter, other columnists who wrote about the Countdown) of "irresponsible reporting" (Ouch! Ang sakit mo naman mang-akusa!) when in fact, I suspect that there was some confusion in the scheduling and the identification of which channel is airing the show in what place.

ent1An e-mail from reader Oliver Carnay (no address given) should help clear up the whole confusion.

Wrote Oliver: This is an answer to your "international correspondent" Ferdinand Lapuz's letter regarding Ruffa's hosting for the Countdown to the Millennium. Ruffa was actually seen on Direct TV cable on Channel 104 and not on ABC Channel 7 (local channel here in Los Angeles). He must have mistaken ABC Channel 5 of the Philippines for ABC 7 in L.A. Days before the telecast, plugs from MTV and other channels regarding the Countdown, mentioning Todd Newton, Lisa Robertson and Ruffa as hosts, were shown repeatedly to remind televiewers that it would be shown on DirectTV cable. It was a FREE telecast "live" from Orlando, Florida. Sorry if he missed it.

So there.

I was among those who watched the Countdown in full and, like several other columnists (Alfie Lorenzo and Ethel Ramos among them), I was impressed by Ruffa's performance. Although a newcomer to American television, Ruffa acquitted herself beautifully well beside the veterans Todd Newton and Lisa Robertson. At times, Ruffa even stole the thunder from her co-hosts, without, of course, her meaning nor intending to (I guess).

Yesterday morning. Kenneth Botelho, producer of Century Productions (which was behind the Countdown telecast), called Funfare from Cancun, Mexico, where he and other Century personnel were supervising Ruffa in the shooting of MTV promos for "Spring Break." Botelho was, yes, very much impressed with Ruffa's performance (her third for Century, actually, following the Holyfield-Lewis Pre-Fight Special in Nov. last year and then the "Halloween Haunt" special, also in November).

"Ruffa did just what I thought she'd do," said Botelho. "Her segment with Mickey Mouse was very precious; it was among the most exciting part of the show. She did a great job. Ruffa was so excited throughout the telecast; She was just like a kid."

Did he feel "vindicated" with his choice of Ruffa as Countdown co-host and as Century's newest contract star (good for two years, renewable for two more years), described on the show by two guests as "the next megastar?"

"Oh, yes, I feel that way," said Botelho. "There's no doubt that Ruffa is the heir replacement of Lisa (Robertson) in due time."

Oops! Intriguing?

During the telecast, "partisan" (read: pro-Ruffa) televiewers suspected that Lisa (and even Todd) got "somewhat insecure" when Ruffa was on the same frame with them. Lisa has been hosting the Countdown for six years while Todd hosts his own show (aside from his special assignments for Century) in L.A.

Asked about it, Ruffa (who got the phone from Botelho) could only laugh.

"I didn't notice anything to that effect," said Ruffa. "Pero nahalata ko that Lisa was very friendly to me when I wasn't made up yet. But when I wore the big earrings, as big as Lisa's eyes, lent to me by my Mom (Annabelle Rama), Lisa couldn't believe it. She kept on asking if the earrings were real. Lisa hosts a cable show selling jewelry kaya interesado siya doon sa earrings ko."

While in Cancun, Ruffa and the Century guys are staying at the posh Ritz Carlton Hotel.

Because of the jobs lined up for her by Century, Ruffa might have to stay in the US longer and might not be able to come home to tape more episodes for ABC 5's Eezy Dancing Non-Stop which she's now co-hosting with, among others, Giselle Toengi. She has also received movie offers (local) but Ruffa doubts if she can accept any of them.

After the "Spring Break" shoot, Ruffa will prepare for the Backstreet Boys concert in Chicago on Feb. 11, 12 and 13 which she's covering for Century. And then she'll fly to Utah for Robert Redford's Sundance International Film Festival where she'll interview stars of the filmfest entries and other celebrities. More hosting jobs are scheduled for Ruffa until end of April.

"She deserves it," said Botelho. "We did find a rare talent in Ruffa."

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