The mind says Yes, the body says No

For a couple of years more or less, running has taken a boom at least in this part of the country. From east to west and north to south, from early morning to late at night, we see people doing their regular runs, a few minority clad in high tech and expensive apparels, the rest in regular get-ups. Every now and then, we see runners on slippers, a few even run barefoot.

Another kind of running, which will have a much bigger boom and a louder bang will have its initial stages this coming October 1 to 5, to climax in May of next year. This will be a very expensive run, with competitors in all shapes and sizes, willing to burn their personal resources, some without an iota of delicadeza, just to make themselves on top of the field. I suppose you get my drift on this. Hala larga!

The trend now is on a healthy and fit lifestyle that hardcore enthusiasts frown and almost condemn you to the deepest recesses of Mt. Manunggal if they happen to know that you still do night outs and make alcoholic beverages as your water substitute.

The pediatric and geriatric compete for attention and acclaim with ages ranging from 5 to 75.   The speed and stamina varies and this is where the concern comes in.

We have heard of athletes, some even elite ones, of collapsing, and in some cases, dying, after a game or an event. This is not limited to endurance sports like running and cycling but also in individual and team sports.

Several factors are to be considered but according to experts, age plays a vital role in person’s athletic capability. Athletes reach their peak in their mid-20’s and taper off by the time they reach 32. Beyond that age, consider yourself a has-been, invest in a good lounge chair and plasma TV, then let the younger set do what you had been doing 10 years ago.

Egos can be the culprit here. Oldies tend to outdo the new generation thinking that they still have it but more often than not, it results in strained muscles at least or a crippling injury at most. Tiguwang na ta, let’s admit that our glory days have passed. There’s no point in pushing it unless we’re in a hurry to introduce ourselves to our Maker.

Unless we had been doing sports since we were in elementary and had been regularly active physically up to now, let’s do things slowly and do it at our own convenient pace.

Because of this fitness thing going on, which personally, is a good phenomenon, many newbies are attracted, mostly the yuppie types and senior executives who had been more sedate than their favorite senile uncles and aunts.

Oh sure, they can well afford the P8,000 running shoes, the dri-fit, clima-cool, weather-friendly and anti-whatever outfits plus the ever-present earphones attached to iPods, iPhones and other similar techno gizmos. They might as well send invitations to muggers and other like species with their attires.

I say again, let the young do what they can do. We’ve been there, probably done things these youngsters would never have done. Let’s take it easy and listen to our body. Our mind might say go but our internal systems had been seriously considering to quit.

I’m not exactly an armchair athlete as I also try to be physical if my time permits. I’ve tried running, yes, against doctor’s advise, and sure enough, twinkling white spots appear before reaching 100 meters and my chest fells like a toddler is making a trampoline out of it. It’s an old cliché but this will benefit people above 35 – before attempting an exercise routine, do consult your doctor. Tiguwang na lagi ta.

Exercising will always be good to our body, no matter how old we may be. It’s just a matter of knowing our limits and when to stop. And go ahead with the fancy outfits.


The Walk at IT Park is especially crowded during weekends. If you want peace and quiet and have some extra money to spare, go to Linea Restaurant at the E-Block, the building housing JP Morgan. Yep, it’s the building that bans consumption of alcoholic beverages. Why? Beats the malt and hops out of me. It’s a Euro-chic inspired joint owned by Chef Jimmy of the prominent Durano clan. The guy’s nice and you won’t miss him. He’s built like an MMA fighter and patrons would think thrice getting rowdy.

The food is great but me and my son have big appetites, so I guess bigger servings are needed, in our case. Check out the place guys.


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