LETTER TO THE EDITOR - Hospitalized boxer gets financial help

It is true that Larry Canillas has been hospitalized since February 22, 2012. We did not want to publicize the matter as this was a personal thing for the family and we wanted to avoid putting his family in stress at that moment. Now that the Canillas family has approached other sources and agencies for more financial assistance, we would like to give you an account on what actually happened.

It occurred after his usual sparring session and regular training like speed ball, stretching and cool down exercises. On his way to the shower, he complained to a co-fighter about having a headache. This was then relayed to his trainers and upon noticing he was feeling faint, Canillas' trainers immediately rushed him to the hospital where he went through tests. The trainers also fetched his wife and informed the family about the incident. After the doctor assessed the situation, the doctor recommended for him to be operated on. The wife and family decided to go on with the operation. The result of the said operation was a success and he is now slowly recovering.

It may interest you to know that as of this writing, we have already disbursed more than a hundred thousand pesos for the daily medicine needs of Larry and other hospital bills like the laboratory test, CT scan, Tracheostomy operation, etc....

Aside from the on-going financial assistance we have been giving to his family there is still an existing running balance of over three hundred thousand pesos. The amount could still go up until the day Larry is released.

ALA GYM has been asked the same questions by different media outlets on whether we will continue to extend assistance to the family and what not after his recovery- our best way to answer to that is to refer and ask these questions to our former boxer Z Gorres who went through the same as Larry when he fought in Las Vegas and underwent brain surgery.

Z Gorres is now back to his normal life and you may ask him personally what kind of relationship we have with our boxer during and after their boxing career.


Executive Assistant to the CEO

ALA Promotions, Inc.

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