Why, Why, Why?

I suppose the boxing community is aware of the hasty flight to the US of upstart boxer Jimrex Jaca on the night of November 2, 2006.

As a backgrounder, Jaca belongs to the stable of Wakee Salud based here in Cebu City. Salud as manager, saw potential in Jaca and promoted several matches to boost Jaca's stock, and it was mainly Salud who arranged for Jaca to fight in the undercard of the Pacquiao-Morales II where he was noticed to be of championship material.

A big break came to Jaca when he was tapped to fight against Juan Manuel Marquez supposedly last October 26, 2006 in the US under the Golden Boy Promotions but because of Jaca's visa problems, Salud was informed that the fight was cancelled.

Upon learning of the cancellation, Salud, using his clout and savvy, arranged with Top Tank Promotions to include Jaca in the undercard of the Pacquiao-Morales III this coming November 18, in which Top Rank had to pull out one match just to accommodate Jaca.

The undercard match was already a done deal when Salud got a call informing him that the Jaca-Marquez fight will push thru on November 25 under Golden Boy Promotions. Naturally, Salud was surprised and annoyed because he was informed and made to believe that that match was cancelled, not postponed. He even agreed to have that match held only after the scheduled and already committed November 18 match.

Salud then summoned Jaca and his trainer in the morning of November 2 informing them about the turn of events. Likewise, he also briefed them that they would be leaving for the US on November 4 to train at the Wild Card Gym to prepare for his scheduled November 18 fight.

Jaca then asked permission that he will go home to Sibulan, Negros Oriental to prepare his things but unknown to Salud, they were secretly flown to the US on the night of November 2 then brought to the Golden Boy Gym where in Los Angeles where he will be preparing for the November 25 match with Marquez.

Philboxing.com, in a recent statement, had Oscar dela Hoya confirming that Jaca is indeed in his gym training for that match. Likewise, dela Hoya disclosed that Jaca and his group are quartered in an undisclosed location and that Jaca has signed a three-fight deal with Golden Boy Promotions.

Well, scheming and dealing is endemic to this brutal sport but there is always this thing you call honor. Jaca has an existing boxer-manager contract which is yet to expire on 2009. Under this contract, Jaca is supposed to abide and respect commitments made on his behalf by Salud, and likewise sign deals and contracts on his behalf, being his true and legal attorney-in-fact. Also, provisions on the contract stipulates that Jaca is not to engage in any match, whether directly or indirectly, without Salud's consent.

Now, you be the judge. Wakee Salud is Wakee Salud. Jimrex Jaca is... well... Why Jimrex, ngano man?
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In line with our column's title, think about the following:

- Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table, you always manage to knock something else over?

- Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting weak?

- Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is none?

- Why does someone believe you when you say there are 4 billion stars but check when you say the paint is wet?

- When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart than apologizes for doing so, why do we say "It's alright"? Well, it isn't alright, so why don't we say "That hurt, you idiot!"

- Why are ther still apes if people evolved from apes?

-Why does Superman stops bullets with his chest but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

- Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?

- Why do they used sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?

Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum cleaner one more chance?

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