1 shot, 3 injured in Talisay demolition

CEBU, Philippines - One person was shot and wounded while three others were injured in a demolition of an illegal satellite market in Barangay Tabunok, Talisay City yesterday morning.

Reynoso Macario, 35, and a member of the demolition team was brought to the Talisay City District Hospital after he was reportedly shot by one of the vendors during the operation.

Talisay City Anti-Illegal Vending Task Force head Edwin Nierves was hurt after a vendor allegedly struck him with a hard object while his men, Jerry Vitracorta, 32, and Felixberto Abadilla, 49, sustained bruises after they were hit by stones that the vendors threw at them.

Around 32 task force members arrived at the area yesterday to implement the executive order of Talisay City Mayor Socrates Fernandez dated August 29, 2012 for the removal of the structures at Sitio Molave as the vendors were operating without business permits and other documents.

 Nierves said violence occurred when ambulant vendors started attacking him and the members of his task force.

Some of the vendors allegedly used wood with nails while others threw stones at them.

Tension escalated when one of the vendors fired a shot that hit Macario in his left wrist.

The chaotic situation prevented the two police officers, PO1s Ali Luntao and Danilo Villafuerte, to chase the gunman.

Nierves said the vendors were already aware of the operation as they were given copies of the executive order.

 But vendors in the area claimed that it was one of the task force’s personnel that reportedly brought a firearm during the commotion and may have shot a fellow task force member.

They also denied they started the trouble.

 Some vendors claimed that they saw a task force member brandishing a pistol and started firing at them when violence started.

One of the vendors, Alan Cabellon, said he is operating without a business permit because the city refused to one.

Caballon criticized Nierves and his task force for resorting to violence.

 “Muangkon mi nga illegal mi, pero mas illegal ang ilang gibuhat sa amoa”, Cabellon said.

The vendors are planning to file a complaint against the policemen before the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) for their failure to pacify the two groups. — /MBG (FREEMAN) 

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