High-powered guns seized

CEBU, Philippines - The arrest of a suspected drug user led to the recovery of high powered firearms and a hand grenade in Barangay Pulpogan, Consolacion Saturday evening.

Police first arrested one Ritchie Agujar, 19, a resident of the said barangay, who was about to hold a drug session with six others inside a shanty.

However, the six eluded arrest.

Police recovered two small packs of shabu from Agujar who told them that his source was one Bebot Pepito, also of Barangay Pulpogan.

Chief Insp. Wilbert Parilla, Consolacion police chief, and his men immediately conducted a follow up operation.

Upon reaching sitio First Batch in Barangay Pulpogan, the police saw Pepito with five others allegedly having a drug session in his house.

Parilla said the windows of the house were open and the walls also had holes so they can monitor the activities outside.

Pepito and his companions immediately noticed the presence of the police and escaped through the window at the back of the house.

But the cops recovered one rifle grenade, one apple-type hand grenade, KG-9 sub-machine pistol with ammunition and drug paraphernalia. They pursued Pepito and his friends but to no avail.

Complaints for illegal possession of firearms, ammunitions, and explosives will be filed against Pepito while complainst for violation of the anti-illegal drugs law will be filed against Agujar.


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