Rama suspends mall construction need for road widening, and not complaint of Muslims, cited as reason

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama said he will put on hold the construction of a mall in Basak San Nicolas not because the Muslims, who come to the mosque to pray, complained it has damaged their building but because he wants the mall to set back for a future road widening project in the area.

Rama envisions to widen the area in the future, although he has yet to request the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for funding.

“Dugay naman na giplano ang pag-widen ana. I have to check with DPWH first if they have funding but definitely, there should be a road widening in that area,” Rama said.

He said some parts of the stretch from N. Bacalso to Tagunol need to be widened to ease traffic in going to the southern part of the island. For this, he said, the mall better move back as early as now so it will not add to the inconvenience later when the road widening starts.

Rama added that the proximity of the mall to the road poses danger to crossing pedestrians and to motorists.

The mayor admitted, though, that there is no funding yet for the road widening project. But he will check with DPWH if it can be among the agency’s priority projects.

Also, he said the contractor must adjust the structure and settle the damage they caused to the mosque before construction resumes.

“I have instructed the OBO to address the matter with urgency,” Rama said.

Muslim representatives, the owner and the contractor of the on-going mall construction were in the Office of the Building Official yesterday. They agreed with the suggestion of OBO for each party to conduct its own inspection on the safety of the building and the extent of the damages.

Imam Aladdin Ubpon, one of the occupants of the Al Khaitiah Mosque, claimed that the construction of Paravisible Construction Co. has caused cracks in the walls of the administrative building, their toilet and the temple.

Cebu City Building Official Josefa Ylanan said that both parties agreed to conduct their inspection and meet again to compare notes.

Ylanan also sent two inspectors to conduct a separate inspection.

“Basta ang akong gipasigurado ug pabuhat nila is to fill the area that caved in,” Ylanan said.

She also insisted that the mosque is safe and not in danger of collapsing.

The mosque is occupied by about six families. Their Muslim brothers in Cebu City come everyday to pray. Some worshippers complain that the noise caused by the construction disturbs them. – /JPM (FREEMAN)

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