13-year-old testifies in hearing on cybersex

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu Vice Governor Agnes Magpale for the second time attended the court hearing on the case involving cybersex in Cordova town but this time, not as a witness.

Magpale, who served as the first witness of the first hearing last Tuesday, attended yesterday morning’s hearing to protect the 13-year-old victim of the crime.

“I was there to make sure that she was protected,” said Magpale, co-chairperson of the Provincial Commission for the Welfare of Children (PCWC).

The victim is the niece of the couple charged after the raid.

Lapu-Lapu City Regional Trial Court Branch 27 Judge Toribio Quiwag requested the vice governor, the media and the rest of the people attending the hearing to leave the court when the girl was made to go on the witness stand, so Magpale had no idea what the girl’s testimonies were.

Magpale said the girl was also cross-examined by the defense lawyer. The prosecution lawyer was Assistant Prosecutor Lolita Lomanta.

National Bureau of Investigation-7 Special Investigator Jedidah Hife also testified yesterday about the raid last June 1.

Last Tuesday, Magpale presented a compact disc with images of nude children rescued from the raid. The disc was presented as evidence against the couple accused of running the cybersex operation.

The couple was charged for child abuse, three counts of child pornography and qualified human trafficking.

The disc was reportedly handed to her by an informant before the raid last June 1. She then called the NBI to conduct an operation in Cordova town in coordination with the United States Department of Homeland Security.

Even without their parents, Magpale assured that the six children are doing well with the PCWC. — (FREEMAN)

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