Rama to evaluate performance of dep't heads

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu City mayor-elect Michael Rama will not immediately replace any department head at the City Hall when he assumes office starting tomorrow.

The incoming mayor will evaluate the performance of department chiefs for three months to see if they are qualified to continue holding their current positions.

But Rama will immediately find replacements for city information officer Nagiel Bañacia, city administrator Francisco Fernandez and city engineer left by Nicomedes Leonor, who held coterminous positions with outgoing Mayor Tomas Osmeña.

Rama said he wished everyone will pass his evaluation. But if there are department heads who failed to prove they deserve to stay, Rama said he might be compelled to replace them.

He said he has the power to replace department heads under the Local Government Code and the Civil Service Commission.

Rama has already seen potentials of some department heads like Department of Public Service chief Dionisio Gualiza and budget officer Nelfa Briones.

He, however, reminded Gualiza that he still wants to see improvements at DPS as far as maintaining sanitation in the city is concerned.

As for Briones, Rama said that he wants to give her the chance to become department head, stressing that he wants her to take full command of preparing the city budget.

Rama has not yet appointed a person to replace Bañacia but said he will make an appointment before July 1.

While he did not mention any prospect, Rama said he wanted his PIO to have managerial skills to manage the affairs of the City Hall. He said he or she must be imaginative, creative and innovative and must have the sense of leadership.

Rama has already appointed a new secretary of the mayor in the person of Belinda Novasquez, who will replace Agapito Cugay.

He, however, has to see first if there is no legal impediment in appointing Novasquez because she already retired before. 

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