Cabillon to answer charges by January 2010

CEBU, Philippines - Former monk Venancio Cabillon has formally asked the prosecutor’s office to extend for 15 days the time for him to file his counter-affidavit on the estafa and acts of lasciviousness charges filed against him by two monks.

Cabillon said he intends to file his counter-affidavit in time for the January 10 deadline.

Cabillon sought the extension to gather “solid evidences” to refute the actions he allegedly committed while he was still connected with the popular Marian Shrine in Lindogon, Simala.

“These are just counter charges of what I have bared. All the documents pointing against me are fake,” Cabillon said.

After he files his counter-affidavit, he would reportedly ask the court to order the shrine to release all the original documents for forensic examination. He argued that he had not signed anything and that it is possible that some documents were faked or forged.

One of the two monks alleged that Cabillon molested him sexually while the other, Frater Martin Mary, also known as Abelio Mangila, alleged that Cabillon misappropriated more than P500,000 worth of cash and assorted items supposed to be for donation to the Monastery of Our Lady in Hilongos, Leyte.

Cabillon is also facing another estafa charge for allegedly asking money and cellphone load from an eatery owner named Pastora Superable.

Superable claimed Cabillon asked for P500 cash to help for his transportation expenses to another monastery. Three days after the cash was given, Cabillon allegedly sent Superable a text message asking for P60 cellphone prepaid load.

The cellphone load, according to the text, is to solicit funds from other MMEA benefactors. The P60 pesos grew into P1200. Every three days, Superable said, Cabillon would send her text messages to ask for load.

It wasn’t until after two months that she reportedly learned Cabillon was no longer connected with the monastery.

Cabillon said he will prove that the accusations against him are all untrue. —Jasmin R. Uy/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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