CICC probe results now with Ombuds

CEBU, Philippines - The anti-graft investigator assigned to conduct the fact-finding investigation into the alleged anomalous construction of the Cebu International Convention Center has already finished the investigation and has submitted his report for review.

Assistant Ombudsman for the Visayas Virginia Palanca Santiago confirmed that graft investigator Roderick Blazo has submitted his final evaluation report on the CICC investigation and it is now with her for review.

Santiago refused to reveal what was the recommendation of Blazo because she has yet to finish the review. After the review the final evaluation report will be submitted for approval to the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Visayas.

Under the Ombudsman procedures the final evaluation report will determine whether or not a formal criminal administrative investigation is necessary wherein concerned public officials and employees or even private individuals who were in allegedly connivance will be asked to submit counter-affidavits.

The anti-graft office launched a fact-finding investigation into the construction of the CICC two years ago because of allegations of irregularities.

The fact-finding dragged on for two years because of the voluminous documents that the investigator has to peruse. In fact, Blazo showed The FREEMAN the pile of documents, about five feet tall, involving the CICC transaction which he read page-by-page before coming up with his report.

Another factor that contributed to the delay in the fact-finding was the delay of the submission of the Commission on Audit of their audit report on the CICC.

The anti-graft office enlisted the help of COA in the audit of the CICC transactions because they have the technical capability of doing it.

The CICC is under fact-finding investigation and audit inquiry by the Ombudsman-Visayas and the COA following allegations that the Provincial Government of Cebu paid more than it should for the CICC as a result of alleged violations of the procurement law, including the splitting of contracts, negotiated procurement and selective bidding.

Among the issues being looked into by the anti-graft is that the contractor, WT Construction, allegedly did not post the lowest bid.

The Capitol built the CICC to host some of the activities of the 2007 ASEAN Summit. The project used local funds amounting to almost P1 billion. — Fred P. Languido/BRP  (FREEMAN NEWS)

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