Tom brushes off criticsof his MY CT Games

CEBU, Philippines - “We always love sports.”

This was the comment of Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña after critics described the launching of “MY CT Games”, a citywide sports program for the barangays, as too late.

“Well, sorry to tell you but we are going to do it regardless of what he thinks, it’s not for him to decide what to do or not. We’re always supporting sports, it’s just that we have a lot of money coming now so we add more to everything, is that being a hypocrite?” Osmeña said, referring to opposition leader Jonathan Guardo.

Guardo criticized the program as being “too late” since he has for a long time been doing his own sports program in the barangays since 2002.

Guardo complained that his sports activities were never allowed in any of the gyms of the barangays.

“Well that’s his problem,” Osmeña said.

Guardo also complained that the donated boards and basketball rings for sports activities in the sitios were destroyed, according to his supporters.

“Look Mary Ann does that to my boards in Lahug when I was running. I put boards in there and she tears them off. I learned that from Mary Ann de Los Santos, besides that’s city’s property. If it’s his goal he can put any board he wants,” the mayor said.

The MY CT Games was launched yesterday with over 30 barangay captains present.

“MY CT, you know what it stands for, M-Mike, Y-Young, C-Cutie, T-Tommy. Oops, what a coincidence!” the mayor said, adding that it is one of his gimmicks.

Around P5 million is being budgeted under Supplemental Budget 6 for the sports program. The P230-million Supplemental Budget 6 is set to be approved next week.

The barangay-based annual tournament will now be held for basketball, volleyball, boxing, chess and other games.

The aim of the program is to keep the youth away from drugs and other vices. — Ferliza C. Contratista/BRP    (FREEMAN NEWS)


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