Quick action by Talisay cops: Priest's "killers" arrested

CEBU, Philippines – Case solved? The Talisay City Police has arrested three men, who are believed to have been the ones who robbed and killed Fr. Jovencio Rabusa Monday night in barangay Cansojong.

Arrested yesterday were Gerald Tradio, 18, Ruselo “Racel” Rabanes, 28 and a 15-year-old boy. Several witnesses and informants have reportedly pointed to the three as the suspects.

Supt. Henry Biñas, city police chief, said that since the night of the murder, they had been looking for Tradio and Rabanes.

The two are allegedly members of a notorious robbery group in barangay Cansojong, which the police chief said have been implicated, but have not been formally charged, in a number of crimes including murder, said Biñas.

No charges have so far been filed against any of them as their victims fear that they would get back at them being known toughies in the neighborhood.

After their arrest yesterday, Biñas said complainants appeared to the police station to tell to the police of the group’s past crimes, including a murder last January.

Police picked up Tradio at 3a.m. yesterday at a relative’s house in Cansojong.

The police chief said it is a relief that they chanced upon him at the place, as in the past two nights since the priest’s death, they have already reached Naga to look for the suspects.

The 46-year-old Rabusa was an assistant parish priest of St. Francis de Assisi in Naga.

Tradio was reportedly transferring from one place to another to avoid arrest.

Recovered from the 18-year-old suspect was a .38 caliber revolver believed to have been used in the crime, and two decks of shabu.

During the interrogation, Tradio told the police that he only kept the two cellular phones that were taken from Rabusa, and denied any involvement in the robbery.

He, however, tagged Rabanes and the 15-year-old as responsible for the crime.

The 15-year-old was arrested in Cansojong, shortly after Tradio’s confession, while Rabanes was picked up in barangay Tangke through the tip of an informant.

Another possible suspect nicknamed “Tikloy” could also be a part of the group, Biñas said. He is however in Camotes according to sources, said the police chief.

The phones that were taken by the robbers were reportedly sold to Tikloy’s friend.

Tradio would be charged with illegal possession of firearms and for violation of Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act.

He could also be charged for being an accessory to the robbery with homicide case to be charged against Rabanes.

The minor, who was already turned over to the City social Welfare and Development for counseling, would also be considered as a witness, said Biñas.

Meawhile, Acting Talisay City Vice Mayor Alan Bucao commended Biñas for his prompt action to the case.

“Leadership is indeed the reason why such prompt resolution of Fr. Rabusa’s murder was achieved. Again, thank you for being our chief peace officer,” said Bucao. —/NLQ (THE FREEMAN)

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