Woman hacked for resisting rape

CEBU - A 22-year-old helper survived a hack wound to the head after she resisted three men who tried to rape her in sitio Menteryong Daan, Balamban town, last Saturday night.

Jonalyn Salasar was asleep in a room with fellow helper Geraldine Catao, 19, and the daughter of their employer Liza Amante when three men stealthily entered the house.

PO3 Julius Obana of Balamban police said one of the men was later identified as Julito Dayanan, 18, of barangay Gaas, Balamban. He was accompanied by a minor and another accomplice who has yet to be identified.

After the three woke up the women and warned them not to make noise they tried to rape Salasar who resisted.

One of the men got frustrated and hacked her in the head with a bolo. Catao broke away and screamed for help, prompting neighbors to come running.

Only Dayanan was arrested.

Obana said they believe the three entered the house aided by the minor who used to work as a helper of the Amantes. 

Salasar was rushed to the hospital and needed less than 10 stitches to close the hack wound in her head. – Christopher Gabriel Bonjoc/BRP(THE FREEMAN)


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