Houseboy gets six years for molesting young girl

CEBU - The Regional Trial Court sentenced a houseboy to six months in prison after prosecutors proved that he sexually molested the six-year-old daughter of his employers two years ago.

The incident happened in Talisay City on December 2006 when the suspect made the victim sit on his lap and told her to hold his private parts. When the girl refused, the accused removed the child’s pajamas and underwear and inserted his finger into her genitals.

The child herself sat on the witness stand and told the court that the accused covered her mouth with his hand to prevent her from shouting.

The girl’s parents later learned of the incident when the girl complained to her father that her private parts were hurting.

The court said the candid and straightforward manner by which the child narrated the incident to the court gave gravity to her testimonies.

“A witness who testifies in a categorical straightforward, spontaneous and straight manner is a credible witness,” judge Raphael Yrastorza said.

Aside from the imprisonment, the court also ordered the accused to pay P25,000 in civil liability and P25,000 in moral damages.

Owing to the nature of the case and pursuant to a policy of the court, the Freeman is withholding the names of both the victim and the accused. — Jasmin R. Uy/JMO (THE FREEMAN)

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