Bogo man hangs self

A 22-year-old man had committed suicide by hanging himself with a cable wire inside his room in their house at La Purisima Concepcion in Bogo City Wednesday.

Police identified the fatality as Wennie Johnson, who was unemployed and residing with his mother.

Johnson’s mother, Josephine, along with a neighbor discovered the suicide. She said she had been calling Wennie for breakfast but he did not respond. A few minutes later, she decided to open the door of Wennie’s room but this was locked.

“Ako na lang gili-li namo iyang kwarto kauban sa akong silingan og akong nakita nga patay na akong anak nga nakalingkod sa katre ug duna’y higot nga cable wire sa liog,” she told the police.

Bogo City Police chief, Insp. Arturo Pacifico, said investigators found an improvised knife in Johnson’s pocket but they have ruled out foul play. — Garry B. Lao/RAE

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