Bullecer wants trader sanctioned over “sacrilegious” nativity scene

The vice president of the Council of the Laity in the Archdiocese of Cebu wants businessman Vic Alvarez sanctioned for allegedly making fun of the Holy Family by using the faces of President Gloria Arroyo and deposed president Joseph Estrada in a nativity scene displayed in front of his building at the city’s downtown area.

Rene Josef Bullecer, who is also head of the Cebu Anti-Indecency Board, said that displaying the painting in public is sacrilegious and the Archdiocese of Cebu should not take this sitting down.

“Di gyud na maayo.  Sanctions must be done,” Bullecer said over dyLA.

Bullecer said he will ask Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal to do something about it.

He admitted that CAIB cannot tear it down because the painting is not indecent and inimical to public morals.  But he said as a Catholic he finds it offensive to his religion.

“Bugal-bugal man gud ang dating,” Bullecer added.

Msgr. Achilles Dakay, media liaison officer of the Archdiocese of Cebu, earlier said that the act is condemnable because a religious matter has been politicized.

Alvarez said his intention of depicting the faces of Arroyo and Estrada in the manger is to bring out his sentiments over the government’s alleged failure to address the corruption problem.

Alvarez said Estrada and Arroyo are the leaders of this country and that true reconciliation and unity should start from them. 

He said while they are religiously paying their taxes the government failed to solve the problem of piracy that is killing their business.  Last year, Alvarez also displayed the faces of different presidentiables in Santa Claus costumes.  -Fred P. Languido/BRP


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