Guard in LBP-Bogo robbery wants to be a state witness

The security guard who is among those charged for the robbery at the Land Bank of the Philippines Bogo branch reaffirmed his intention to help the government in the prosecution of the case.

In yesterday's pre-trial conference, Henry Cuerda, through his lawyer, told the court that he is not presenting any witness for his defense and is admitting that he was part of the planning of the robbery.

Cuerda said he is applying to be the state witness against the other accused, Joel Somabong, Joseph Ancajas, Dindo Ancero. Efren Beladas and Isagani Chiko.

In his affidavit, Cuerda confessed his participation to the robbery but said his participation was limited only to giving information to Somabong about the activities in the bank and giving the signal to them when to get inside the bank.

Cuerda said that as early as November 2004 Somabong, Ancero and Chiko recruited him to join their group and serve as their contact in the bank. He said they met several times in June and July to plan the robbery.

Hours before the robbery took place on August 2, 2005, Cuerda said they met for a final briefing at the house of Somabong in Bogo. Cuerda said he was instructed by Somabong to inform them as soon as the money arrives from Asia Pacific Bank in Bantayan.

The prosecution, however, has yet to file a formal motion before the court asking for the discharge of Cuerda as one of the accused. The other accused yesterday told the court that their defense is going to be general denial.

The court immediately scheduled the start of the trial next month, but Salvador Solima, one of the defense lawyers requested that the trial be moved after the elections in May because he is running for councilor. Regional Trial Court judge Alma Estella Singco granted Solima's request and scheduled the trial on May 24.

Somabong said that he will be presenting two witnesses including himself. Ancero will also present two, Beladas will testify for himself, Chiko will have two witnesses and Ancajas will present three witnesses.

The accused are facing charges for robbery in band after they were tagged in the P9.4 million robbery of Land Bank Bogo branch in 2005. - Fred P. Languido/QSB

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