A tribute to fathers

CEBU, Philippines - Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June and is dedicated to all the dads across the globe. The event is cele-brated with much fanfare and enthusiasm by each and every child.

There are numerous universal hallmarks of a good parent, unfailing support, selfless, endless affection and unconditional love. There are also a few additional trademarks of a good father - hardworking, disciplinarian, athletic, loyal and funny.  

This article is a celebration of all that our fathers are. It provides a fascinating look inside the hearts of sons and daughters who love their fathers wherever they may be, at home, at work or in paradise.

Joie Gullas on her father Dodong Gullas

Diligence is a virtue my dad has in abundance. His earnest and persistent application to any particular project he zeroes in on is unparalleled. There is no distracting him. It just has to be done. Gotta respect that.

Debbie Palao on her father Gaudioso C. Villagonzalo

It's been 9 years since my dad passed away and not a day passes when I don't talk to him or pray for him. I still hear his voice waking me up everyday for school singing..."wake up, wake up chirped the sparrow, don't you know it is tomorrow..."! Gentle, wise and just, he never said no...just presented better solutions. He was the one who told me that even to decide not to decide is a choice. I learned so many things from him but one that stands out is that generosity begins with an attitude of gratitude, if one is grateful for all the blessings big and small, sharing it with others would be easy'.

I miss shelling shrimps for him; I miss his hand on mine but most of all, I miss having him in my life! To all children, big and small out there, hug your dads! Hugging my dad now in my heart!

Eileen Streegan on her  father Hugo Streegan

 Compassion and patience are the virtues I admire most in my Dad. These virtues make him my hero.

 Happy Father's Day, Dad! A million thanks for making all my dreams come true.

Hannah Lim on her father Roger Lim

People often say I take after my dad. Back during my jungolf days, people in the club would say I not only look like my father, but I walk and talk like him. Today, as an interior designer dealing with different clients, when they find out who my father is, I still get the same reaction. There’s more to that than meets the eye. I take after my dad’s health issues, his diplomacy in dealing with people and handling situations, and even his temper. But if there is one thing my Pa has ingrained in me the most, it’s the value of hard work, frugality and always having a vision for tomorrow. Although we lived a fairly comfortable life, nothing was really handed to us on a silver platter. We always had to work hard for it, and he taught me that by example. My dad may not be perfect, but he is a great man with a good heart and I love him dearly.

Ryan Raymond Yu on HIS father Peter Yu

"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - Mathew 16:18

Among his many strengths, the one trait in my father for which I have utmost respect and admiration is his faith in God. Seldom have I seen a man more committed to God than he, with his unwavering belief in God's love and mercy even when he had his share of difficult trials and deep sorrows. Our family is so blessed that he has shown us the path of the righteous. Growing up, he has always served as my inspiration and my guide. He has done such a good job with our family, and I feel at liberty to speak also in behalf of my siblings that we all want each of our own families to have what we have always had with our parents and each other since we were kids - a loving and joyful family spirit of harmony and mutual respect.  

In our younger days, I saw him as a firm father, a disciplinarian who, with just one look, could immediately make us understand the consequences of whatever shenanigans we were up to. But it was this firmness that has instilled in us the good sense of responsibility that we have now. Even now that I have my own family, Papa is still a person I look up to in all aspects of life. Whenever I am troubled by anything, he is the first person I confide in. His wisdom in business is my constant guide in my own enterprising endeavors, to which I attribute many, if not all, of the humble successes I have achieved. The wisdom and virtue he imparts that stem from his religious beliefs, always leave me with a better understanding of difficult situations. 

Papa, principled man that he is, never sways from his beliefs; even in the most tempting circumstances, he will never compromise his values. In this day and age, such is a rarity and, for me, an opportunity to strive to live as my father lives.

Isabel Velasco on her father Francisco Jarque

There is much to be said about my dad but the first thing that comes to mind is that he is such a loving husband to my mother. They have a rock-solid marriage and it may be hard to believe but they are more in love now than ever. Needless to say, he is also a loving father and has always been very supportive of my siblings and I.

He is also extremely hardworking and has impressive work ethics and never seems to tire.

He is also known to be a disciplinarian. A very serious one at that. I agree with his system though and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Kieran Obsuna on his dad Cyrus Obsuna

There are many virtues that I admire most with my father and one of those virtues that stands out most of all is his being helpful to others in times of need without asking for anything in return.

Eduardo Jarque SR.

My father Eduardo passed on 7 years ago on Christmas Eve. He was eighty five years old. When I stop to think about how my life has unfolded, I remind myself to be grateful for what I have. In those quiet moments of reflection, I count my debt to my parents, though today my pappy takes center stage.

Pappy gave me the solid foundation on which my life began to take shape. He did everything to make sure I had the opportunities I wanted and needed.

Thank you, pappy, for making sure I was as happy as I could be. For setting limits on me when I needed them, for loving me so much when it didn’t seem I loved you enough. Thank you for being someone I could always count on.

Thank you for forgiving my infractions but holding me accountable for them. Thank you pappy for making sure we spent time together as a family. More importantly mil gracias for everything I can think of, for all those things I’m sure I have forgotten about and especially for those things I never knew you did for me. Te quiero, pappy,


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