reHASH in 36 hours

CEBU, Philippines - "Being a medical doctor at age 35 didn't stop me from being morbidly obese at 310 lbs. This led to a myriad of health concerns like high blood sugar level, hypertension, cholesterolemia, hyperurecemia and a significant increase in my liver enzymes. This is where I drew the line and made a personal choice towards a healthier lifestyle," said Dr. John Reyes, a cardiologist based in Manila.

"Now that I am close to achieving my goal, I feel empowered that only I can help myself before anyone else. I felt a new self confidence about myself and how I relate to others as well as to my parents. In the end, I just feel great and want to celebrate life to the fullest," he added after a 36-hour program on what seemed to be a rehash on food choices and other significant decisions in life relative to achieving a healthy lifestyle.

On the other hand, Cheryl Pages-Alba is a glow of youth at 26. With her current flair and demeanor, nobody would suspect she had "harvested" 12 gall bladder stones purged out of her system after undergoing a "spring cleaning of her body" in a program dubbed "Holistic Approach to Self Healing" (HASH) - the same program Dr. Reyes had undertaken.

"It's a non-invasive program. It's pretty expensive, but it's worth it and it saved me from undergoing a costly operation," Cheryl said, citing that a penchant for fast foods and processed beverages could have caused the stones. "I'm not really into drinking lots of water. I eat ***(name of product) a lot. It's always a craving for *** and guzzling up on juices, iced tea, etc. Not water. Mao to nagka-stone ko. Parehas mi sa akong husband because we eat the same food. His case could have been worse kay he had around 50 pearl-like stones."

Further, fashion designer Jean Goulbourn shared how bronchitis brought her down literally in 2006. "I was on wheelchair, taking all sorts of medication except anti-depressant because I refused to take it. (Anti-depressants killed her daughter, Natasha). Never was there a day in all those 61 days of trouble that I didn't cry. I was totally depressed with my condition. However, an invitation to Las Vegas and Alaska brought wonders for me because I met this German doctor who shed light that I was overmedicated," Jean shared.

The German doctor told her how she was given drugs for asthma, pneumonia and tuberculosis. "No! That couldn't be. No crazy doctor would give me that," she even argued. But the German physician replied: "Then sue your doctor."

"I found out through a live blood analysis that I had too much poison, too much toxin in my blood cells. After detoxification, I was able to say goodbye to expensive drugs and their harmful side effects. That's why I'm bringing HASH to Cebu for the first time because it would be nice to see miracles coming back to life in other people," Jean underlined.

"No sales talk here, just choice. Everything in life has to be in a balance," Jean added.

Innovative journey to self-healing

Holistic healing is known to provide the means to prevent and reverse disease to free clients from dependence on maintenance medication - to liberate one from expenses.

The HASH program is a tested and proven non-invasive method to restore and bring client to optimum state of health, said Dr. Dale Flores, doctor of nutrition, during the "Cleanse and Nourish" presscon last March 17 at Marco Polo Hotel.

The HASH workshop will explore the vital connection between mental, emotional wellbeing and physical health. It is an innovation by highly respected internationally and locally certified and trained medical doctors and naturopaths, holistic nutritionists, naturalists and alternative health therapists who provide the best of Eastern and Western healing techniques.

Featuring the naturopath formulated Digestive Detox Protocol, the workshop is also an active exchange that addresses a range of concerns – from serious health conditions to pure indulgent relaxation – equipping participants with holistic knowledge and health tools they can use for a lifetime. Therapies, treatments and activities are all designed to relax, revitalize, recharge and rejuvenate, Dr. Flores mentioned.

The program has already helped thousands overcome and cope with illness, stress and weight loss – for purely aesthetic or disease related concerns. Among them are Dr. Reyes, Cheryl and Jean.

"HASH is about better quality of life and overall sense of well-being; empowerment to make informed decisions about one's health; less dependency on medications that only mask conditions but do not necessarily cure the disease; and beneficial lifestyle that sustains wellness for the client and his whole family. Other HASH clinic services include disease intervention and prevention, healing nutrition therapy (for cholesterol), diabetes, cancer, hypertension and ageing; weight management (weight loss or weight gain); beauty, anti-ageing and image building; energy healing and body balance; pain management; fitness counseling; and cigarette and addiction cessation.

Those who would want to live well by taking part of the April 2 to 3 event may contact 416-1122 loc. 131 or 09176260203, look for Pia Mercado or Cheryl Pages-Alba. Introductory rate is P14,500/person (double occupancy) and P16,000 (single occupancy). Package includes: Overnight stay at Marco Polo Hotel; holistic food and beverage sustenance for the entire workshop; medically supervised natural and non-invasive internal cleansing and detoxifying protocol; diagnostic lab testing; informative and inspirational sessions with renowned health, nutrition and fitness specialists; optional energy healing and therapy, yoga and Bollywood workout session; optional therapeutic massage for the head, neck, shoulders and back with food treatment; healthy and sumptuous organic brunch by the executive chef and holistic nutritionist; as well as post-cleansing complimentary holistic nutrition assessment and evaluation with optional booster foods.

The HASH weekend is intended to be a venue to learn, share and do something about one's wellbeing and is not designed for the pregnant, the bedridden, and those suffering from epilepsy. (FREEMAN)

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