Model Beauty Queen

CEBU, Philippines - Fashion modeling has evolved. Models now have many options when it comes to their career path - commercial or show modeling, to being product endorsers and spokespersons, to showbiz careers.

Modern day image builders and model mentors do not just look for the next pretty face to launch a thousand products, or even that perfect bone structure that fashion designers are looking for. More than the X FACTOR that exudes in some of the more successful models, the IT FACTOR sets the standard in molding one’s innate talent to further prepare them for a bigger and better opportunity beyond the realms of fashion and modeling.

In my experience as a fashion designer and a model manager, I have encountered models that had staying power as catwalk divas and designer muses for quite some time, and just remained comfortable being a model. There are also those who have crossed over from fashion to pageants, become beauty queens and discovered that what lies ahead is more than just posing before cameras and walking on the runway. A whole new world opens up with more responsibilities, as well as greater expectations, for one to live up to, beyond fashion. 

Model turned beauty queen Jam Charish Libatog of ADMODELS Philippines is heading in that direction, I should say. From the moment I saw her walking across her former university here in Cebu, I knew that she is a beauty queen material. Standing a statuesque 5’11 with prominent high cheekbones and perfect eyes and lips, Jam is a figure you can’t ignore. Her total look says it all. But her rise to fashion modeldom has taken a back seat sometimes because of her course as a nursing student at the Cebu Doctor’s University. Photo shoots and fashion shows compete with her hospital duties and school responsibilities, and often times she says no if it really comes in conflict with the most important matters in school.

With hard work and determination, Jam sashayed to book print ads and fashion shows and slowly bagged numerous titles and awards that even gave her more confidence as a model. She won as Ms. Valentine’s 2008, 2nd runner up in the Ms Cebu 2008, and the coveted title of Mutya ng Pilipinas Tourism 2008. Mentoring Jam during the Manila and Palawan pageant was worth the experience.

Following in the footsteps of senior model Karla Paula Henry, who won as Ms. Earth 2008, Jam will pursue yet another dream – the prestigious Bb. Pilipinas 2010 come Saturday at the Araneta Coliseum in Manila. From modeling to becoming a beauty queen, Jam Charish Libatog hopes to achieve not just the title but a new beginning in her chosen career. Good luck, Jam!

Support Jam by voting for her in the Texter’s Choice Award. Type BB 15 and send to 2344 for Globe, Sun and TM subscribers and 367 for Smart users.

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