That's why there's smileyj

One thing nice we got from the Russians is their doctrine of eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep, eight hours of rest. Sad thing is that it is not adaptable now. We struggle for more than eight hours, hit the hay in less than it, and breathe only during meals and coffee breaks. If at all, our daily routine grind is tedious. It's a drab world for us who have to put up with this. Day in, day out, we play the same old song. Punch in, punch out; the hours are always extended. Load in, load out; the files always gets thicker. What we need is a break. That's why there's Smiley.

It's dull, monotonous, tiresome. We face the same computer, pounding on it words and figures. To our right is the same clock that doesn't look dull only when it is ticking towards coffee break hour. To our left is the same painting that has lost its attraction. Once in a while, we get a holler from the boss. But, once in a while, somebody will pop up, trade pleasantries with us and then bid us adieu with a pretty "have a nice day" smile. He says the words sweetly, with a "I really mean it" look, with vibrations from the heart. This will be enough to perk up our day.

This should be the way to convey good day wishes. Sometimes, others say it to us in a manner that leaves an impression that is as boring and dry as the ambience we are in. We must not utter the words in a casual, robotic manner as if it's a send-off rather than good wishes; our expression should be genuine. We must not fake a grin; our intention should be honest. We must not show gruffness but only accommodation; our approach warm.

Aside from the humdrum of white-collar occupation, there are other facets of work that are tougher and more strenuous. The people there, likewise, need Smiley. We have the physical, menial, slavish drudgery of field workers - pier laborers, cargo handlers, farmers, construction men, lumberjacks. They sweat it out, endure the sun, brave the rains, bear the cold. It would be absurd to approach them and drop them the "nice day" hello. In their state, they can hardly manage a smile. It's only their bosses who can deliver Smiley to them. But Smiley can color the sky with the glitters of hope and inspiration. That's why we draw rainbows.

We can see the conditions of office work and field work. Monotonous as it is for a clerk in the cubicle, he enjoys the comfort of air-conditioning. Though he misses country air and the outdoors. Equally harsh and taxing as his task, the man in the field tackles bad weather conditions. Though he wishes to have a desk in an office. Good thing Smiley is not choosy, he (let's personalize it) visits both and brightens up their day. He sends the happy eyes and the wide grin because he wants us to look at life that way.

Our daily grind is not only tedious or drudging, it is also perilous. Take the work of the soldier, the policeman, the fireman, or the emergency rescuer. Their tasks involve sacrificial service for the welfare of others. It is more of a duty than a job. That's why we say theirs is a noble undertaking. They are ready to give up their lives because the lives of other are at stake. Smiley is in the silver lining in the dark clouds. That is why there is sunshine when the smoke of battle, fire, riot, disaster clears.

Smiley can do a lot of wonders. A mother's heart melts when she is lovingly handed a piece of paper by her little girl with drawings of Smileys, rainbows and sunshine on it, and capped by the endearing words of, "Have a nice day, Mommy, I love you!" Your sick friend gets lifted when you thoughtfully printed out for him or her a couple of get well cards from the Internet with colorful Smileys and encouraging messages for them to get back in shape. A comely barista of a coffee shop feels bubbly when a truly nice guy notices her name on her "Hi!" Smiley pin and says, "Nice Smiley you got there...Hey! That's a beautiful name…" Smiley's got a job, too. He shoots the arrows of cheerfulness at us. When we are in the doldrums, he tells us to snap out of it. When we are in a humdrum, he provides the entertainment. When we are in tears, in a bad mood or with problems, he urges us to smile them away. He may even have a hand when blessings, fortunes and good times smile on us.

Smiley has got more than a heart. He is the animating spirit who comes up in our moments of despair, worries and uncertainties. He keeps us up with his perennial "Be happy, don't worry" look. He smiles at us from a mug, from a car's rear bumper, from a face towel. His grin is as expanding as the arch of the rainbow. His eyes are as laughing as the bursts of sunshine. His face is as golden as the glow of the sun. If today you see a Smiley, decline not your smile.

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