Love video, sex video

Over the weekend, two kinds of videos captured my interest. The first sort, rather enviable, if not inspiring; the second, rather appalling, if not outright upsetting. Let’s start with the good. 

Juday-Ryan wedding

Down-to-earth, girl-next-door, Judy Ann Santos, and the exclusive-schooled “Inglisero” Ryan Agoncillo have finally tied the knot—and how! What could have been a showbiz circus became a dream fulfilled, especially for the bride, who wanted a simple wedding free from prying eyes. I have got to give it to them. A wedding in a church in San Juan, Batangas; a boat ride to Balai Resort in Anilao, for the reception; another reception at Le Soufflé in Makati City, this time, for everyone else who would’ve been invited to the wedding hadn’t it been a solemn and controlled affair—which celebrity can plan that these days without attracting too much attention?

Apparently, Juday and Ryan could, even if, true to their profession, a camera documenting everything was not far behind. And so it was that, on a Sunday night, my two brothers, a girlfriend, and I were watching Unchanging Love: The Judy Ann Santos-Ryan Agoncillo Wedding Special on ABS-CBN.

“This beats a Pacman bout,” my brother commented on the number of commercials. Every few minutes or so it seemed, the special did go to commercial—mostly of products endorsed by the lovely bride, or by Sharon Cuneta, her matron of honor.

Still, post-wedding circus notwithstanding, Juday got her dream wedding fulfilled, and, in her wedding speech, the glowing bride wished for every girl to experience the same.

Amen to that, sister.

Hayden Kho-Katrina Halili sex video

On a more disconcerting note, online buzz fed me information about a real Hayden Kho and Katrina Halili sex video, plus another one involving Maricar Reyes, a doctor who also moonlights as a model and actress. Since the big Belo breakup blowout late last year, showbiz writers and bloggers had been insisting on the existence of an actual sex video, but Hayden had also been consistent in his denial.

The video I’ve seen was that of an underwear-clad Katrina doing a sexy dance as an also underwear-clad Hayden sang, feel na feel, “Careless Whisper.” That’s embarrassing enough, if you ask me. Yes, even if they were really just practicing.

I haven’t had the chance to see the real sex video, though, and I don’t think I will. Even if, for the sake of argument, Hayden did shoot those videos to suit his ego (and I’m not saying he did), there would be nothing gained if we helped him feed it. Even if, for the sake of argument, his friends did leak that video to expose Hayden’s “hypocrisy” (and some people are saying they did), I believe they really can’t do a lot of damage time and a PR spin can’t fix.

Ultimately, this will just end up in a lot of hearts broken for absolutely nothing. If indeed Hayden and Vicki Belo have indeed gotten back together, who are we to say anything against their second (or nth) shot at love? If indeed Katrina did make a mistake by hooking up with someone who wasn’t hers to hook up with, who are we to keep gawking at her folly and rubbing it in her face? If indeed there are other sex videos existing, why should we hunt them down and pry them open only to come face to face with something all too human?

In the end, I think, we’re all just looking for some love and appreciation. So some people made mistakes along the way, and many of them are well on their way to making the same mistakes again. Still, it’s hard enough to dare to find the right path to love without having ghosts from the past being preserved forever on YouTube and such and perfect strangers’ hard drives.

Even more still, it doesn’t bring us any closer in our own search to feel smug about how way off others have gone. Unless, of course, you pick up the only obvious lesson that can be picked up from this whole hullabaloo: Girls, with technology the way it is these days, if you’re not married to the guy (and maybe even if you are, I don’t know), never, ever agree to a sex video.

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