Was anything done on the flood-prone areas?

The rainy days are here and the problem areas - those that are flooded every time it rains - are still there.

We strayed into one of the small streets in barangay Cabangcalan, Mandaue City a couple of weeks ago and we had to pass through two heavily flooded areas as we tried to take the side streets going to Sacred Heart School-Ateneo de Cebu. Our kids did not like the experience as it scared them to see such deep water.

We hope that the local government officials in cooperation with the Department of Public Works and Highways will now start to do something.

It's late, but at least something will be done.

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A reader complained to us about the sidewalk at Salinas Drive particularly the portion from corner Archbishop Reyes Ave. to the Asiatown IT Park, which is now being occupied by illegal settlers.

The reader said that aside from being an eye sore, the place is also a traffic and safety problem.

He is asking if something can be done about the matter considering that Mayor Michael Rama has announced that he wants to rid the streets of dwellers.

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Since we're on the topic of structures on the sidewalks, we would like to once again bring up the matter on those tents owned by the local government units and the barangays that are put in the middle of the road for wakes.

A reader recently asked us if the changes in the CITOM would mean that we'll see the end of these traffic and safety hazards.

We could not answer his question, but maybe CITOM Chairman Jack Jakosalem can.

It is indeed disappointing to see how officials turn a blind eye or even encourage this practice that puts the lives of many people at risk.

Maybe the new city mayor can do something about this matter.

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Another reader said that she agrees that the problem with traffic starts with the Land Transportation and its solution can start from that office.

"If only those qualified are given a license and if only the vehicles that pass the road worthiness test are allowed to run, we'd see more than a 50 percent drop in the number of vehicles on the road."

Well, aside from the LTO, we told her that the enforcement of laws must also be done properly unlike in Talisay City where their officials don't seem to care about such and are only keen on putting the signs that don't mean anything to the hard-headed drivers.

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For your comments, complaints and suggestions please feel free to contact us at 2531276 or 2538613 local 237.

You can also send email to nimrod@mozcom.com.

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