GT Cosmetics reinvents look to suit its new target market

CEBU, Philippines - Cebu-grown cosmetics company GT (Good Tidings and God’s Talent) Cosmetics Manufacturing Inc. has reinvented the packaging of its herbal beauty soaps in preparation for the company’s entry to the Luzon market.

Company chief executive officer Leonora Salvane said GT will start distributing, through its authorized retail partner Watsons, its product line—carrot soap, papaya soap, bleaching soap, toner, sun block and cream—early next month in Luzon.

“We are also currently negotiating with other retail outlets in Manila which can also bring and distribute our products (in the area),” she said during the launch of GT soap’s new look at the Ching Palace last Friday.

Aside from tapping new markets in the country, GT also aims to attract the younger and the higher-end markets with the new look of its products this year. The previous packaging, which the company terms “classic,” appeals mostly to the older generation.

“The new packaging of our soap is targeted to capture the young and high-end markets. We have also improved the formulation and enriched them with more herbal extracts. In Luzon, we (also) have higher end markets to tap and we feel that our new line of products will really suit their standards,” Salvane said.

GT Cosmetics, founded in 1994, has been producing herbal soap products. The current daily production of its 200-square meter manufacturing plant in Yati, Liloan is at 2,000 pieces.

Salvane said GT aims to double its production as well as sales this year with the new look of the products and the new markets to capture. Despite the economic challenges, the company experienced a 100-percent increase in sales in the first quarter of this year from the same period last year.

This market confidence, as signified by the company’s sales performance, is a proof that locally-made products and home-grown companies such as GT have the potential to compete with big names in the industry.

She said that the company before relied more on the quality of its products as relayed mostly by word of mouth. Now, it has gone an inch higher by competing with other brands in the market by improving the packaging of its products.

With regards to the proliferation of imitation products, Salvane said GT is fortunate that it has not received any reports that its products have been copied. However, GT patrons are advised to buy only at accredited retail outlets, which are mostly the legitimate retail stores.

The chemical engineer-turned entrepreneur also revealed that the company is currently in the process of researching and developing new cosmetic products such as creams and lotion, which will be launched in the first quarter of 2011.

Meanwhile, GT will also launch the new look of its soap products in areas where GT is strong such as Bohol, Iloilo , Cagayan de Oro, Bacolod and Davao.

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