Nokia provides 2 new developer-centric programs

With the Nokia Premium Developer Program, you can make high-performance apps for Nokia Lumia smartphones such as the Lumia 510 and Lumia 800 (photo).  

MANILA, Philippines - Nokia has introduced two programs aimed at developers to help build new applications for the Nokia platform. These two programs are named Nokia Ad Exchange (NAX) and the new Nokia Premium Developer Program  (NPDP).

When consumers look at an app store, they usually head to the free apps first. However, the cost of time and money to develop an application can become an expensive endeavor for a developer.

A way to recoup the cost is to generate revenue from in-app advertising. NAX is a new and free way for developers to quickly and easily monetize their apps, through Nokia’s partnership with inneractive.

NAX provides access to the top ad networks in the world via a single SDK. This means that app users will more likely see content they are interested in, and click the ad.

Whatever ad campaign you want to run, NAX will provide access to a campaign management tool where developers can use ad revenues to fund their own campaigns.   

NAX was officially launched during the recent Microsoft BUILD 2012 conference in Redmond, Washington.

The program can also be used in other Nokia-supported platforms such as Microsoft Windows Phone, Nokia Series 40 and Symbian.

This also includes non-Nokia platforms such as iOS, Android and BlackBerryOS to help developers build their business.

For help with creating high-performance apps for the Nokia Lumia smartphone, there is the Nokia Premium Developer Program.

Signing up costs $99 for an annual membership and this membership gives tools and services valued at up to $1,500. 

Interested parties may visit http:/ / and http:/ / to sign up.


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