BidShot Online wants to know: Who loves you?

BidShot Online Auctions (, the country’s premier Web and mobile marketplace, is celebrating this love month with an ingenious and novel promotion – and two brand-new Nokia 3310s to give away.

In this first-of-its kind promotion, find out among your friends, family members and loved ones who love you. To join this fun and entertaining promo, just key in LOVE and sent it to 2340 (Smart) or 2330 (Globe).

The more people who admit that they love you, the more chances you have of winning a brand-new Nokia 3310. For every "Yes" you get from someone who loves you, you receive one raffle entry. But for every person who replies "No," one entry is subtracted, "so choose wisely," says BOA’s operations manager Vince Corpus, "because you never know who really loves you until you pose the question!"

"It’s your chance to ask – and what better way than through your phone. People tend to be more honest when answering through text because they feel more secure when not asked face-to-face," adds Corpus, "I know I am!"

Promo runs until Feb. 28.

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